I'm starting to feel quite cosy. Perhaps it's the snow we had at the weekend as it always makes me feel snuggly. There is something so satisfying about cuddling up under blankets, with piping boozey hot chocolate and hand knit socks; it puts me in a great mood for days to come.
So while I'm in this delicious mood I thought I would finish off the Valentine's features with a little round up of the fun things that I've been finding and a book giveaway.
First an internet round up of the yummy things that caught my eye.
I can think of nothing more decadent that a chocolate baked goodie. These wholewheat brownies from the '100 days of Real Food Blog' looked delicious and I'm planning to make these for Valentine's.
Cute idea for love heart ice cubes from 'A Subtle Revelry'.
I'm slipping a gin cocktail in here from the fabulous people at The Design Sponge because, you know, gin.
These sewn heart cards from Reb Bird Crafts are so simple that even me, with my dreadful sewing skills is debating having a try.
I absolutely love Elisa's designs and creations and this printable card is adorable and free and not 'naff' and gooey at all like so many Valentine's things are. I approve.
Molliemakes brought these love heart badges (and other designs) to my attention from Not On The High Street.
I want cute heart elbow patches thanks to One Sheepish Girl.
Finally, the kind people at Collins and Brown have sent me a few books recently and one caught my eye for all you lovers out there. 'All You Knit is Love' is a quirky little book, reasonably priced at £5.99. The author, Debbie Harrold is the creator behind the 'Ha Pea Birthday' cards that I've giggled at in Paperchase and also known for books like 'The Knit Olympics' and 'Knitted Icons'. I'm not a toy knitter largely due to laziness and RSI but I know lots of knit friends who will make something cute for gifts now and then. I think this would defintely appeal to them.
The subtitle reads '20 patterns for romantic handmade gifts' and while 20 is true I'm not sure anyone other than a knitter would really see the romance in a knitted penguin or fish. It's a cute idea, don't get me wrong but I kept thinking that these toys work well in print, like the little peas to be photographed with quirky captions; in other words I liked them more as funny little pictures. To this end, each project carries a cute title like 'Cuddle Bunny' or 'Bee Mine' so I think something like a little handmade card with the pun included might make a knitted fish seem a bit more festive than say just handing one to your partner expectantly.
It's a cute little book that won't take up a huge amount of room on your book shelf so could be kept and pulled down for fun occassions. There's also a nice reference section at the back and this would really suit beginner knitters, looking to have some fun with a low commitment level of yardage to knit through.

Also don't forget you can still win a beautiful print from Sparklehen.
Great ideas! The penguin on the back cover is so clever.
"I think something like a little handmade card with the pun included might make a knitted fish seem a bit more festive than say just handing one to your partner expectantly."
Thank you for the first, of what will be hopefully many, moments of giggling today.
"Here, love, have a fish. Don't you feel amorous now?" This perhaps only works for cat couples.
I do love handknit toys...and my husband may not realize the love that goes into them, but my son will :)
I'm thinking if I knit a toy and put catnip in the stuffing, my beastie will love it and me. No puns or explanation needed.
what a cute idea!! I don't know anyone that doesn't love hand knit toys, so clever.
I have the Knitted Icon book, and made a version of Morrissey based from an Elvis pattern. The All You Knit Is Love book looks just as intriguing!
The penguin is adorable! The book looks very cute! :D
Aw, what a cute penguin!
A knitted Morrissey? How divine!
Great Idea..
The penguin is cute..
GET Valentine's Day Wishes 2016
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