Saturday 5 March 2011


Nothing new to report. I have plans to update on knitting but I'm struck down and pretty poorly right now. In the mean time I will leave you with some pics. Just so you know I haven't forgotten you all xx
OTL has kept me going today

As close as I ever got to capturing the dramatic hair cut

Boy, I wish I could eat this right now


chemicalika said...

Feel better soon xx

PJ said...

*hugs* Take care of yourself! Wish I were closer, I could bring distractions!

ImplausibleYarn said...

Feel better soon. Also you should know that little peeks of dramatic haircuts only fuel the desire to see more...

Tracy G. said...

Hugs n' mugs! Feel better soon chickedee!!

Amber said...

I had a pity party yesterday. They're needed every once in a while.
