Friday 16 December 2011

Giveaway Palooza

In the sprit of the season and all things playful I have a smashing giveaway for you all. To say thank you for all the support for both the blog and the podcast, I've pulled together some of my favourite people in order to bring you a giveaway of epic proportions. 

Please listen to this week's podcast in order to find out how to enter. I'm going to give you multiple ways to enter which means multiple entries. There's lots to be won so don't be shy, come and play!

So what can you win? Well I'm glad you asked. In no particular order:
A copy of the stunning Be Mine Collection by Rose Beck

A copy of The Uncommon Clouds collection from Lisa Mutch, along with a fabulous skein of fingering weight BFL/ Silk in the colourway 'nocturne'. 

A yummy skein of British Merino and Silk 4 ply Sock yarn in the colourway Ruby Ruby from travelknitter.

A beautiful handmade Riverstone Bracelet from imake

A fantastic handmade yarn and notions pouch from The Lollipop Stop

An amazing A3 print from the very talented Tillyflop designs

3 patterns from Robin Ulrich to take you into 2012 with a bang: the Bosc scarf, Katriel Shawl and Fontane. 

A cute handmade tea wallet from Mooncalf Makes for all those tea perfectionists out there.

A set of small but perfectly formed stitchmarkers from Stephcuddles.

And last but not least, from the talent that is The Uncommon Thread, a skein of Super Sock in the colourway 'Into Dust'.

Stay tuned....



Ness said...

What lovely prizes!!! I'll tune in for sure!

Robin said...

Wow, what a fun idea to host the giveaway, good luck to everyone! :)

MaryjoO said...

OMG how generous and fun! In spite of just being a recent winner here (thanks again) I will "enter" "just for fun." Can't wait for the podcast to come out! Now back to that lace shawl I've been trying to finish up for 3 days ....

Anonymous said...

I am a definite follower (really lurker) of your blog....Always a pleasure to read.
Great collection of sponsors.

Amber said...

I have followed you from the beginning. :D

*goes back to hiding in the bushes*

Ness said...

I guess I should also add that I'm a follower! :D

Liz said...

I follow your blog and am always excited to see a new post because it usually means a new podcast! I'm so excited about this giveaway!

Courtney said...

Proud follower. Love the podcast, love the blog.

Den grĂ¥ pimpernell said...

Eager follower, so two for me! :)

Karen (lindse) said...

Fab prices, omg! :) I am a follower on Google Reader.

Laura said...

Wonderfull give-away. I follow you on google reader.

Estella said...

What an amazing giveway! I listen to your podcast regularly and have even done a bit on my blog about it. You can find me on Ravelry as emhknits.

Kira said...

What lovely prizes! Love the podcast! I'm on Ravelry as kiralah.

Retha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Retha said...

amazing giveaway!!! I'm RethaKnitsAlot on Rav :)

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! You are so generous. <3

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this fantastic give-away. It's so awesome! And I guess I should mention that I'm a regular follower, too.

Unknown said...

I enjoy your podcast! Just found it and I will be a regular listener. Love the music and then comments.

Ceaberrys Haberdashery said...

Oh so generous! Love it!! Also I am a follower of this lovely blog and podcast!!

Unknown said...

What lovely and thoughtful and generous gifts for the knitters out there! Thanks so much for your lovely blog and podcast!

Chelsea W said...

Thanks for having a giveaway!

Chelsea W said...

Oh, and I'm also following your blog.

AnneLena said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I am also a follower. Merry Christmas.

lorraine said...

totally amazing! :)

knittynurse said...

Hi and Merry Christmas!! I would love to enter your giveaway. pgknittngnurse

Jen said...

Thanks for having this giveaway! I love your podcast! I follow your blog too, but through my rockmelt browser. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway! Merry Christmas! :)

A Playful Day said...

Ok everyone has been entered so fabr and yes, google reader is fine- that's how I read my blogs. Good luck everyone! x

leaveittolis said...

Awesome giveaway,can I have two entries please (I follow on google reader) Merry Christmas!

leaveittolis79 on Rav

Sandra said...

A super giveaway! And thanks for nice podcasts to listen to. Following on Google Reader.

Sarah said...

Generous giveaway!

Pianissimo said...

One of us will win. How sweet!

knittybarb said...

Love your podcast - and wow...what a giveaway!!
KnittyBarb on Rav

Ellen said...

What an amazing giveaway! I would love to win any of these terrific prizes. Thank you so much for the chance to win! I love your podcast, and am a faithful listener.

shpizl on Ravelry

StaceyKnitsIt said...

I am now a Follower/Subscriber.

Great podcast; I enjoy listening! Beautiful fingerless mitts!

Tecrin said...

Lovely giveaway! I've been a follower for aaaages, does that give me extra credit? ;)

Janet said...

Love your playfulness. I am an avid listener and reader of your podcast and blog. Such fun.

KED said...

I love to listen to your podcast - particularly when I'm in the gym and trying to think about something fun. This is a great giveaway. KarenD

Karen said...

glad to have found you podcasts!...such fun I have them downloaded automatically each week:)))

Paige Shaw said...

Just discovered your podcast, so I feel like a winner anyway! Thanks for the holiday cheer. :)

Sally said...

Looks like great prizes!

Anonymous said...

What an excellent selection of goodies you've wrangled up!

Anonymous said...

Whoop Whoop! Giveaways are the bestest everest! Been following you since the knit and crochet blog week nearly a year ago :)

Jenny said...

Lovely lovely giveaway, woohoo! I am still catching up with the back catalogue of podcasts but so far I'm enjoying them very much :) x

pinkundine said...

I'm a follower (of blog and lovely podcast) and think you're awesome even without the fabulous giveaway... But the giveaway is pretty amazing too ;)

Michelle B said...

Wow what great prizes!! I love your podcast!
Michelle, mikki522 on Ravelry

Michelle B said...

OH and I follow your blog in google reader...
still mikki522 on Rav!

MrsJMatthews said...

Wow I'm so glad I found your site and podcast!

Anonymous said...

Oooo ooo! Me me! Thanks for hosting this oh-so-excellent giveawaypalooza.

slmiller8 said...

Just recently started listening to your podcast and really enjoy it. Thanks for this great give-away!

slmiller8 said...

Oops-contact info is toomanyufos on Rav

ikkinlala said...

How generous! I really enjoy your podcast.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Anonymous said...

Since I've already won one of your giveaways I'm a bit shy about entering for this one, but it's too awesome to resist!

fridica on Rav

Steph said...

Ooh shiny!
I follow your blog on Google Reader and the podcast on Itunes.

Kay said...

How wonderful. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Svenja said...

Thank you for this fantastic give-away!
I follow your blog on google reader.
Merry Christmas!

Distel on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I know I donated a prize, but there are so many fabbo goodies - can I enter too please? x

moiraeknittoo said...

I follow via googlereader! And what a lovely selection of prizes. Seriously wonderful!

TracyC611 said...

Fantastic giveaway - thank you,.

I follow the blog via Google reader

TracyC611 in ravelry

tangledknits said...

What a great giveaway! I'm in! I follow the blog

tangledknits on Rav!

Nora Howley said...

What a nice thing for you to do. I love the blog and follow the podcast. Hope you had a happy holiday.

MaryjoO said...

if I have already posted here I blame my holiday "food coma" for not finding it ... but here I go-- lovely lovely giveaway, and I can't be greedy as I've already won from you!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I really hope to win one of these great prizes.

Alittlebitsheepish said...

Such lovely goodies! I am a follower too

Modelwidow said...

What a lovely selection of prizes, please include me in the draw.

CindiP said...

Love the podcast and the giveaway!cperrine on ravelry.

k2ntrish said...

Thanks for a great podcast. I'm an avid follower of both your podcast and blog. Like everyone else, I love listening to your voice and expressions. The best to you in 2012.

Anonymous said...

Thought this was such a good competition, I'd better help spread the word too - a little blog post is over at

Sando said...

wow, what a fabulous giveaway, thanks! fingers crossed now.

i follow your blog, podcast and twitter. just going through your recent patterns to satisfy my selfish post-christmas startitis.

Anjanette said...

I love your podcast and follow it via itunes. Thanks for the playful giveaway!

explodingpinecone on ravelry

kamoul said...

Thanks so much cor the podcast. In really look forward to each post.
Justwantstoknit on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Wow, what great prizes! If it helps, i'm sending you some Seattle love! :)

Lisaknits said...

Woohoo I AM a follower of your blog!

Sheila said...

I would love to win any of these prizes. I follow your blog using google reader.

donna said...

What a great way to start the new year! I follow your blog through google reader.
woolpiggy on rav

Roobeedoo said...

What a fab set of prizes! If nothing else you have gifted me with lots of new patterns to check out on Rav!
Roobeedoo (Ravelry name)

Anonymous said...

I follow on bloglovin'. I have only just caught up with the last 4 episodes on a long drive from Brighton to Wigan the day before yesterday!

Creatively Lisa said...

Hi. I've just started listening to you podcast and I love it. Please enter me in your contest. I am now a follower of your blog as well.
I too started a new knitting blog and would love for you to visit.

Rav name: jamlknitter

Beverly said...

Fantastic giveaway! I've enjoyed all your episodes, but especially your one with Hoxton Handmade. You two kept me laughing ...

Rav: bevae

SarahSunshine said...

Ooh, what a lovely way to start the New Year.
I think I'm a follower - I subscribe to the podcast and have listened to them all since the beginning - does that count?
All the best to you for a fab 2012.

jcoz1701 said...

Yay! Great giveaway!

I subscribe to the podcast, does that count?

Rav: SEBCJen

Anonymous said...

I'll, post a comment here as well. I do check outyour blog as well as the podcast.
Happy New Year to you and the giant!
Maureen (aka Scrappydoo)

Krystal said...

What an amazing giveaway! Following you as well :)

Priscilla said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win such amazing prizes! I love your podcast and look forward to each episode. I am also a follower of your blog. Happy New Year and thanks again1


Anonymous said...

I first listened to your podcast as of this Christmas season -- now I'm afraid I'm addicted :) A wonderful show! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.

I'm LunarHime on Ravelry.

Leah said...

Wonderful podcast, and thanks for such a great giveaway! (leaht on Ravelry)

Sarah said...

WOW! What an exciting giveaway to start 2012! I love following your blog and your podcast!

Unknown said...

Such lovely prizes. Have found both your blog and podcast this year and can't tell you how much I'm enjoying them. Has rekindled my love of knitting.

Jaclyn said...

Everything is lovely! Thanks for the generous folks for donating! Good luck to everyone.

Motte said...

I have only just discovered your podcast - and successively your blog - today and am enjoying both immensely. Keep up the fantastic work, I'll definitely keep on following you!

Gina said...

So many lovely prizes, so many ways to enter...exciting to think about possibly winning. Love your blog and podcasts; Happy New Year!
GinaC. (GinaBina on ravelry)

Anonymous said...

Just catching up on my backlog of podcasts and nearly missed this! Great idea to beat the new year slump!
Well done!
Aka mum2one on ravelry and ellies mummy on twitter

Suzie said...

Great giveaway. Fabulous podcast.

Have a great 2012 and keep up the good work.

I am following your blog (I hope, as the blog reader is rather confusing) as I don't want to miss any posts or episodes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having such a fabulous giveaway!
Love the podcast!
Also, I'm a follower and my rav name is artohline. :-)

ciproano said...

What a delightful episode. The holiday music left me humming for hours, it was lovely, simple, traditional and unique.

You're right, this is an awesome giveaway!

PuffyGriffinclaw on Ravelry

A Playful Day said...

Everyone has now been entered- thank you for the kind messages. I loved reading them. Expect an announcement soon...!!