
Tuesday 3 May 2011

In Need...

.. of One True Love today

Oh how I wish we could play in the sun and collapse exhausted onto a rug where I'll skritch your ears and you'll stick your nose in my face everytime I stop.

Instead I have:
1. Called the Royal mail and after an hour and a hour got through to a human who said he'd get back to me by Thursday to see if they've found my lost package. 
2. Tried and failed to call HMRC regarding my tax reference number 8 times.
3. Emailed 5 recuitment agents and heard back from one to say 'thanks for the email'. They had all left frantic 'contact me now' style messages so I felt a little more reaction would have been great.
4. Called 3 helplines that were not even remotely helpful and rarely put me through to a human. On to 5th attempt I got a human and was cut off after 15 minutes of giving details. 
5. Took a bath and made a sandwich then upon opening the bin discovered the man had not emptied the bin as promised. I then discovered my urgent mail he was sorting was not with him at work, but on the floor in the bedroom. Bad man beast
6. Researched better bank deals before realising I didn't have the right paperwork midapplication, going to get it and it timing out.
7. Laid on the floor, face down and refused to move until someone brings One True Love

I might be here for sometime......


  1. :( Days like that are the worst. Cheer up, hon!

  2. On days like this, I usually listen to your wonderfully wooly podcasts. Did that cheer you up? :-) xxxxx

  3. Oh my. Your Monday arrived late, and with a vengeance :-( Tomorrow will be better xx

  4. Aw I love you guys.... and the fact the man took out the trash and then gave me a toy. Much less beastly. I ended on a good note. More playfulness tomorrow!

  5. uh, sounds dreadful. what about music? it usualy helps =)
