
Wednesday 4 May 2011

I'm a survivor...

Yes I'm singing the Destiny's Child song, don't judge me. After the day I had yesterday? You're lucky I'm not in my disco pants, drunk as a lord and singing Gloria Gaynor quite frankly.

Anyway yesterday KICKED.MY.BUTT. Ouch. Today however was much better as I got an early cool and a booking. I've ticked 5 things off my list and postponed 2 for very good reasons. Promise. To add to my better day, THEY FOUND MY PACKAGE!!!! I did a little victory boogie on the phone and explained this to the nice man who then offered to walk it round. Had they not lost it in the first place I'd have been amazed at the service. 

Here is my bounty for the goddess that is Amber.

There's another skein of Miss Bab's to make a jumper in the beautiful burgundy colourway 'Catherine'. I now have two and I'm dead excited. There's also this skein of Lisa Souza Hardtwist in the colourway Sherwood Forest. Tally ho I say!

Then there was this cute as anything wallet. I will be using it for nights out when I don't take my whole purse and also to add business cards to when I finally get round to ordering some. (This was on tomorrow's list anyway, don't start). We both love interesting keys so this is just so cute. I found myself stroking the satisfying fabric on the top. Lovely.

So after my storming success I took WIPs pics. ooooooooo I can do WIP Wednesday can't I? Perfect timing. Here is progress on the Pinwheel Blanket by Genia Planck. 4th ball.... 2 to go..... over 400 stitches at last count. 
Then I have a question for you all. How to customise this. I have no sewing machine but I do have needle, thread and some sharp ass fabric scissors. What do you suggest?


  1. Glad you found whatever was lost, love the round blanket...very nice. Hope you day continues to be in the ++ column.

  2. That blanket it looking fab! I have no idea about customising your t-shirt though! Hope you post a FO Friday when it's done so we can see it! :)

  3. FINALLY. The Post Office gods have smiled upon us.

  4. Ooh! I know Amber!! She's the best, isn't she?? Yay for found Amber packages! (Hee!!)

  5. Pretty blanket! Those rows get l o n g, don't they? Definitely worth it in the end, though. Congratulations on getting your package -- seeing the contents, I can understand why you were so anxious to have it!

  6. I made a pinwheel jumper so totally understand the endless rows!! I'd recommend casting off the blanket with larger needles as my cast off row on the jumper was very tight - not sure if this was down to excitment that it was nearly finished or maybe the sheer weight of it pulling the stitches taught

  7. I'm glad to hear you're having a good day. Having a package of yarny goodness turn up must have helped!

  8. Wow, lucky you with the package! What great items. I have a wallet like that and use it for just what you were taking about. I take it to concerts or bars where I don't want to have to hold a purse.

    The pinwheel is beautiful! wowzers!

  9. You are indeed a survivor. You're not gonna take it. You're not gonna stop. Gonna keeep on survivin'!

    One of my happiest party memories is dancing to a happy hardcore version of that song with a beat underneath it that can only be described as PHAT. Now I am not a person to dance to happy hardcore or use daft raver terminology but the song was so good it overrode all my common sense. I babble. I'm so glad you got your package and have had a better day.

  10. So usually I'd be no help with the idea of customizing a t-shirt....BUT this time I had a great idea pop! I would take a color like blue or something that would stand out a bit and stitch over the flower to accent it. I think it would look adorable!
