
Monday 2 May 2011

The Day The Cameras Came

You would be forgiven for thinking from reading the title that fame has finally caught up with me. That's exactly what I thought when the man announced a camera crew was coming to our house in an hour and a half while I still lie in bed, sipping my coffee and pondering the bank holiday ahead. Alas, they were not coming for me, but for HIM. Huff. Don't they know who I AM?!?!?

So after a whirlwind of picking up laundry (bloomers on screen anyone?) and checking it all looked presentable (the man included) I turned my mind to the finer details. Should I leave Emelia, my beloved new mic on display?

I pictured them entering the flat, commenting on the lack of dust round the skirting boards before their eyes fell on the microphone. 'Oh that? I produce a podcast. I'm also very comfortable on film. Here's my best side...'

But I realised today was not for me but for the man and I'm so proud I could burst.


  1. And... why was he being filmed?! You can't tease us like that! (Or am I supposed to know, if I'd only been reading this blog a little longer or something?)

  2. He was discussing this

  3. Ooh it's fancy! Also looks like one of those science-y things that makes your hair stand on end (Van de Graaf?)

    Yay for your man! What programme came to film him? Embarrassingly I had only heard of the AV today, via Twitter and your link and had no idea what it was. I have corrected that now and preached faux-knowledgeably to my other half.

  4. It was a French news team. He doesn't even know when and where it will be aired. Such is fame I guess

  5. How exciting! Love the mike- such a great design.

  6. That mic is... just.... drool. As for the AV that's a topic that's being discussed here in Canada too now that, ok I don't need to bitch up a storm (if you wanna know have a look at yesterday's election).

    Anyways grats to your husband:)
