
Friday 18 March 2011

Featuring: The Lollipop Stop

Today I am featuring a very talented little lady indeed. Lauren is the owner and creator of The Lollipop Stop, one of my favourite project bag and stitchmarker sellers. I've known Lauren for a few years now and swooped on the first few bags she made, demanding robots and cherries. They're always lusted over whenever I swank them in public so I thought I would share further still.

You're also doubly lucky today, as Lauren is offering you, yes YOU the chance to win a project bag. There are 3 designs to choose from. To enter, simply reply to this post telling me which bag you'd like to receive before Midnight (GMT) on Thursday the 24th. If you'd like to increase your chances of winning, you can get an extra entry for following me and another one if you mention this giveaway on your blog! So that's 3 chances to win; please don't forget to leave a comment to tell me if you have mentioned me out there in the blogosphere.

Knit Tote

What are your favourite hobbies?
Knitting goes without saying! I started sewing due to some wrist problems, but now I also love the quickness and cuteness of sewing projects. Other than that, I love playing and watching sport, socialising and eating (what do you mean, that’s not a hobby?!)
Favourite Childhood Game?
Kiss chase. Well, that’s one I remember! Also, Stuck in the Mud, British Bulldog, Tag…I was quite active. But I was also addicted to the local libraries after I outread my school one, and would regularly read well into the night and wake up tired the next day.
Where do you find inspiration?
I don’t really know; I browse the internet a lot when looking for materials, but you can’t beat a good walk out in the woods or down by the river to get invigorated. I love mini-trips around England (and the rest of the UK!) as there is such variety in the landscape and so much to explore.
Are you an early bird or midnight owl?
I get grumpy if I don’t get my sleep or if I’m tired, but put on some cheesy music and I could dance all night! I’m quite cheerful by nature, and mornings are great, especially if you’re up early and have achieved something before you’re usually awake.
Tell us about a dream you recently remember
Eek, I dream about work quite a lot –recently I stood up to an annoying senior member at work and that was quite exciting (in the dream!) I have quite vivid dreams, and apparently I eat a lot in my sleep!!
Robot Tote

Comfort Food of choice?
Crunchy peanut butter on a cinnamon and raisin bagel, yum.
When you daydream, where do you tend to end up?
On a summer’s day, outside on a comfy seat, upbeat music on to singalong to, drink in one hand, project in the other :D (even better with friends!)
Tell us about the Lollipop Stop
Learning to sew bags all originated from inheriting a friend’s sewing machine [edited to add- that was yours truly, ahem] and discovering free online tutorials. The Lollipop Stop came about because I was lucky enough to have a great knit group who were suitably impressed and demanding of the bags I made; and selling them means my living room isn’t overflowing with cute colourful project bags!
Strut Tote


  1. I love the knit tote! The strut tote is very funny as well, but the knit motives are more me.

    rebekka on ravelry

  2. What a great giveaway. I've followed you :)
    The robot tote is awesome.

  3. They are all very nice. Good work Lollipop Stop. My favourite is the knit one, of course..:-)

  4. Fab give away! I'm following you. I hope you take this as a compliment but I would't be able to decide which one I'd love the most! I think I'd end up choosing either the robot one or the knit one, I love the strut one too but it's not quite to my taste.
    Goodgonegirl on Ravelry

  5. I like the knit the best and the robots second. I am going to be following you now :)

    I'm econnerd on Rav.

  6. the robot one is adorable!

  7. So cute! I adore robots. :) I mentioned the giveaway on my blog today! (


    Though if you don't give it to me, I'll probably buy one, which is better for business anyway. XD

  9. I love the knit tote! Following and reposting on my blog,

  10. Not sure if I could pick between the knit one and the robot one...

  11. my favorite design is the knit tote :D What a great little giveaway!

  12. Everything is SO CUTE! I love the knit tote :) What a wonderful giveaway!

  13. Also, I just clicked "follow", I love all the photos on your blog!

  14. The knit tote is my favorite! How precious is that?!

  15. Following you now, even though I've been lurking silently for a bit :)

  16. I just posted about your giveaway on my blog


  17. I'm such a follower! ;)
    I'm partial to the knitting one... only because I love the graphic tones on the white!

    I will be writing a bloggy post this evening and will mention this there!

    Love you!

  18. Do we have to do one comment for each thing?

    If so, here's comment number two for 'following'. I'll be back with comment spam once I write the bloggy.

  19. Oooh I would love the knit tote! They look so wonderful!

  20. Those are all cute! I like the knit one the most.

  21. Just posting a second comment so you don't have to mess with the random number thingie. This is for my following entry. I like the knit the best and the robots second.

    I'm econnerd on Rav.

  22. Hmmm.. I thought I left a comment here- But I guess not! Silly me... I love the Robot Tote- so cute!

  23. ROBOTS! Also for anyone who doesn't win I really suggest you check out the store because my REAL favourite is the trees... Preetty!

    Crunchy peanut butter on a cinnamon and raisin bagel is the best food in the world. Ever. No question.

  24. Comment Spam... I linked this post on

  25. I loved the robot and the knitting tote! Cool stuff.
