
Monday 21 March 2011


Some random thoughts. I'm in that kind of mood.

1. I am overwhelmed by the comment response to the giveaway- how lovely to see you all. I've had fun following some of you back and yes, if you can answer for each one, it'll save me writing things out before hitting the random number generator. But I'll do that anyway in the interest of fairness. I'm like that.
2. I accidentally took one of my favourite photos the other day. It's a close up of an actress at an event we went to recently. She was 'exploring' my iphone and I snapped pics while we played. Her eye make up was fabulous and there's something about this image I just love. 

3. I love row 27 of my Spring Leaves stole. It's even better than row 11, which is also quite fun. It has a pleasing rhythm. As I'm almost finished, I just realised I knit it for the last time. This made me a little sad. 
4. I finish Cedar Leaves. I just need to weave in ends and block but I'm having a real lazy attack with this- very unlike me. I keep stating it's because I need to clean. 
5. I have not cleaned. Again, not like me.
6. There have been lots of bread making entries on blogs recently. I now have bread envy and will need to make some today. 
7. I am GOING to dance tomorrow. I am. Hold me to this.
8. My sister is the most beautiful person I know.
9. My man beast is the kindest
10. I accidentally found my best friend. She lives so far away, in a different time zone and yet we chat everyday. I am very glad for the happy accident that brought her into my life. 

Have another 'favourite' picture xx

Love you little sis xxxx


  1. I love the photos! And I really like random posts about random things.. it makes me feel like I'm not alone in my disjointed thoughts!

  2. What a lovely blog post! It made me smile from beginning to end!

  3. Ooo...great pictures! We have the not cleaning, not finishing, kind manbeasts, and distant best friends in common. :)

  4. I like your random thoughts lady!
