
Monday 16 January 2012

I am such a geek

Some of you will already know the above statement is true. For those of you who don't I will now prove it. 

Firstly, while I pootled around on the internet this morning, I became excited by an article about the rise and fall of Lard thanks to clever marketing by Crisco. This wasn't entirely out of the blue- I did a segment involving Trex for the podcast. My friend told me over dinner last night about this and I HAD to find out. Why? 

See the title of this post.

Then I found Brooklyn Tweed has updated us on the locations of his photoshoot for Wool People 2 that I waxed poetic about in the review/ homage I wrote last week. I want to write more about texture and colour palettes here but it's best I step away before I start talking about little known facts about jam.....
Image credit
(psst. Here's the links to Brooklyn and Crisco posts if that flicks your switches too)

1 comment:

  1. Love a bit of geekery! And have to admit that I thought the Crisco post was interesting too, but then I would also admit to being a geek :)
