
Wednesday 18 January 2012

12 women in 12

I've been excited about this for some time and I can finally share a feature that I will be hosting here on the blog throughout 2012. 

What is it?

A project for women, about women

Each month I will feature a woman or team of women within the crafting industry who are making a difference to the way we view crafts. This list will include designers and yarn producers but also those women behind the scenes, tech editors, writers, publicists and other industry insiders you might not have been aware of until now.


There are lots of reasons to celebrate female talent in any industry but after internet debates such as a certain Huffington Post editorial and the Yarn Harlot’s piece about treating this as a profession not a hobby, I feel it is right for us to celebrate women making a difference within the industry.

It will not come as a shock to any person who has read the blog or listened to the podcast that I loathe the term 'women's work' and I have little time for thinking small when it comes to growing a business. Unless of course this is highly intentional, after all small can be beautiful. I have long accepted that the F word is bandied around in reference to myself and quite frankly, I don't mind at all. In fact, I welcome it.

I've often been intrigued by the different niches being carved out in the knitting and crafting industry. I have watched companies spring up with interest and excitement and cheered strong women making waves as they develop their careers. In my role as blogger and podcaster I have crossed paths, interviewed and cackled with some of the finest business women out there. 

I thought it high time that I brought you some. 

So stay tuned for our first featured golden girl coming next week and kicking us off with style. I'll be encouraging some chat on twitter under the hashtag #12womenin12 and invite you to join in with comments and blog posts of your own.


  1. What a fantastic idea for a feature! <3

  2. This should be good as well as inspiring.

  3. I am so looking forward to reading these features!

  4. I will be looking forward to these posts.
    Thank you in advance for your effort in bringing new and refreshing ideas.

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