
Tuesday 28 June 2011

That's IT!!!

I have held my tongue long enough but I'm afraid I'm going to rant.


It's bad enough I have to avoid chick lit with patronising and trite phrases such as 'slummy mummy' or 'bridget jones wannabe' but when I try to move out that genre and still find women's writing lacking, we have a problem. I am careful to move along the bookcase, avoiding blurbs that start '40 year old soandso is newlydivorced' or '20 something FuFu wants to find a man'. I know I won't relate to this literature. I am not the sit and wait type. Life won't come and find you, you have to make things happen.

I struggle to find a book that I want to devote time I could be spending knitting. I am however, a book worm and I love nothing better than a book store, especially second hand. I daresay I may like the joy of book shopping more than yarn shopping (not loudly, mind, I could be disowned by my knit sibs). 

I was gleeful when my knit group girls suggested starting a book group. We chose a book based on enjoying the debut novel. We all agreed follow ups were hard and it could be a great 'debate' book if it was not what we were all hoping.
What I didn't expect was another diatribe of unrequited, obsessive love. It smacked of Twilight and women who want to be worshiped for all their flaws and pandered to in a way that makes me feel quite sick. YES, I want love. YES, I want to be loved. But NO I do not want to become a parody of all the weak and pathetic things women can be in order to get there.  I feel guilty just looking at the female characters of some books I've read lately, I feel I'm putting other women down just by giving them my attention. We all have flaws, but some held under a microscope are desperate to say the least.

Some home truths might be in order:
- If you've run out of love stories, using supernatural characters always means you're on shaky ground (even if they are later cast to look like Robert Pattinson). I'm a secret sci fi/fantasy geek but really? Don't mix genres and hope to make a True Love story. I'll tke my ghosts malevolent and my vampires wicked thank you (which is why Eric always trumps Bill sadly, despit Bill's sexy 'Sookie!!' yells).
- If you're female heroine has to be deceptive, needy or manipulative to get her man, you need to seriously scrutinise your attitude to relationships. 
- If I, as a neurotic disaster case cannot identify with a woman you've created with the same MO? Move on.
- If the father in the story is estranged but every man goes weak at the knees whenever they see your female lead? Call your Dad, believe me, he probably wonders why you never do. 


Normal playful service will resume shortly.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Episode 7: It's Raining Shawls!!

Show notes:

Road tested Chiaogoo Stainless Steel Circular needles
3 Country Shawl KAL group with Westknits and Kim Guzman
Knitting Goddess WINNER:   Alittlebitsheepish
Please don't forget there is still 10% off yarns till the end of June 2011. Details are here- go on, spoil yourself.
Fyberspates competition is still open.

Knitting events
Donation giveaway: An entry to win 2 skeins of fine alpaca from Purl Alpaca Designs for every donation until the end of July 2011. I will announce the winner on the blog and 1st Podcast in August!
Knit Nation 15th-17th July 2011
Cally Fest 3rd July 2011

Nest Games Day 9th July 2011

On and off the needles:
Off the Needles= 
Two Knee High toe up Socks on One circular Needle by Kirsten Bellehumeur in Knit Picks essential kettle dyed.
Baktus Scarf by Strikkelise with Madelinetosh  DK in Silver Fox and Warm Maize (schlurp)
On the Needles= 
Ulmus by Kirsten Kapaur in Dream In Colour Starry colourway Midnight Derby and September Yarns in Merino Silky fingering colour way Amber.
Sugared Violets by Rose Beck in Uncommon Thread Lush Sock 
Munch, Burp, Slurp:

This week is a field report, discussing real ales and all I learned while sampling a few.For more information check out the CAMRA website.

Stash Enhancement:
I review The Uncommon Thread's Lush Sock, the teaser yarn I pictured earlier in the week on the blog. 
If you would like to get your hands on some yarn or fibre to join the KAL/ CAL, please enter PLAYFUL at checkout from her etsy shop. Offer ends 8pm Sunday 3rd July 2011.

Fly, Fly, Fly by Adrina Thorpe, available on Music Alley
Come In My Kitchen by Diplomats of Sound, available on Music Alley
Contact me at: 
RSS Feed

Friday 24 June 2011

FO friday

I will just allow a moment to bask in the fact: I remembered it's friday.

Ok I haven't woven in the ends of my second project, nor have I photographed them but LOOK!!
I made Knee Highs. These are knit two at a time , magic loop style starting at the toe. These were the actual first pair I tried this way but they took longer to finish being knee high. I love this way of using up every scrap of yarn. I've not properly road tested them yet, just swanked round the house but aren't they pretty?

I got the bind off right this time:
Step 1: Knit 1
Step 2: K2tog through back loop
Step 3 pass both these 2 stitches back onto left needle.

Repeat K1, K2tog tbl and passing back onto left until all are knit- nice and stretchy. 

For more FO's, check out FO fridays, hosted by Tamis.

Monday 20 June 2011

New things!!

I have definitely been all over the place with my knitting. 

FIRST I forgot FO friday, as predicted. I might bank it though as I suspect I'll have another FO by friday that I've not even told you all about. It'll be like I've grown extra limbs to knit them all but I haven't I promise. I'm just forgetful.

NEXT I couldn't decide what to cast on and seem to be going through a shawl phase despite actually wanting a needing pullovers and socks (My stash agrees with this also btw).

THEN I received a skein of this lovely business and just had to cast on but I couldn't decide......

I'm off to spend hours on Ravelry with my skein sat on my shoulder. More details to follow!

Sunday 19 June 2011

You're IT!! feat. Fyberspates yarn

This special episode features Jeni, the creator and driving force behind Fyberspates yarn and pattern range. Having just launched Volume 1 of 'The Scrumptious Collection' (Ravelry pattern page), I invited Jeni on to the podcast to tell us all about it.

To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below before Sunday 10th July 2011, telling me which colourway of Scrumptious 4 ply you would like to win along with the book. (Note link shows other yarn ranges for the Ravelry link please click here
 - Followers of the blog get an extra entry, so add a second comment to tell me if you are a follower.
- For a third entry, leave a third comment linking to where you have promoted the giveaway elsewhere! Good luck.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Five Facts

I've mentioned I've lacked blog mojo of late. I feel I've poured so much into getting fun things onto the podcast and making it WORK that I've lost some of my need to write and photograph. So I decided that each time I lack oomph I'll have a 5 facts post that are true for today. They might be true tomorrow but for today, they're getting me writing again. 

  1. It seems I need comfort today. This blog and this blog made me hungry. I wish I had some of each right now!
  2. I have now seen 12 skeins in various indy dyers stores that I want to buy. I apparently want to knit and knit and knit.
  3. I have some money for a clothes shopping spree but I have no motivation to go. This is odd. I have perhaps starved myself of new purchases for so long that I have forgotten how to do it. 
  4. I keep stressing myself out about 'losing time'. Today, I'm resting at home with my usual run down aches when I do to much and I'm torturing myself with what time it is. Why do I do that?
  5. I will always miss O.T.L. This may always be my 5th fact. I need a Charlie clone for when he's too far away. I hate not being able to have a pet.

Wow, today's post is brought to you by 'blah' clearly. Perhaps not the greatest writer's block experiment I ever tried!! I HAVE finished my knee highs though so I shall go weave in ends and NOT look at the clock.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Episode 6: Hoping for Rainbows

Show notes:

Friends of Aplayfulday:
GaiasColours delicious hand dyes with a close out sale of 25%!

Knitting events
Donation giveaway: An entry to win 2 skeins of fine alpaca from Purl Alpaca Designs for every donation until the end of July 2011. I will announce the winner on the blog and 1st Podcast in August!
Knit Nation 15th-17th July 2011
Cally Fest 3rd July 2011

Nest Games Day 9th July 2011
Evelina Children's Hospital Charity supported by this year's stitchcrawl.

On and off the needles:
Off the Needles= 
Van Doesburg in Dream In Colour Smooshy, Gold Experience colourway.
On the Needles=
Two toe up Socks on One circular Needle by Kirsten Bellehumeur in Knit Picks essential kettle dyed.
Ulmus by Kirsten Kapaur in Dream In Colour Starry colourway Midnight Derby and September Yarns in Merino Silky fingering colour way Amber. 
Munch, Burp, Slurp:
Guzzle some delicious coffees from Square Mile Coffee Roasters

Review and Giveaway:
Let's Knit magazine Issue 44, July 2011

Knitting Goddess Hand Dyed Luxury Yarns.
I reviewed the 4 ply Merino tencel but what would you love to win? To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below before Sunday 26th June 2011, telling me which sock yarn you would like to win.
 - Followers of the blog get an extra entry, so add a second comment to tell me if you are a follower.
- For a third entry, leave a third comment linking to where you have promoted the giveaway elsewhere! Good luck.

For those of you who can't wait for the giveaway to be announced and have to have some Knitting Goddess Luxury yarn now, please use the code PODCAST TEN at checkout through the whole of June 2011 in order to gain 10% off all purchases on yarn (excludes yarn clubs).

Fly, Fly, Fly by Adrina Thorpe, available on Music Alley
Something More Than Rain by Amy Speace, available on Music Alley
Contact me at: 
RSS Feed

Friday 10 June 2011


I'm useless at remembering to post for these 'blogalongs'. I try but I almost always remember the day after I was supposed to post. However, I just remembered that I have an FO to share AND IT'S FRIDAY. Ok, I knew it was Friday a little earlier in the day but.... well..... yes...... I am a scatterbrain at the best of times. 

So I'm sharing this lovely FO in honour of 'FO Fridays' hosted by the lovely Tamis. This FO is brought to you by the also lovely Lisa Mutch. I will now attempt to describe the FO without using the word lovely again because I am in love with it. 

The pattern is called Van Doesburg and is very much to my taste- simple, textured and not too girly. I had the pleasure of test knitting this pattern and I found Lisa to be lo.... absolutely gorgeous. I used Dream In Colour Smooshy and I believe it LIES. I also can't bring myself to type Color; I apologise to all the US readers. It's phonetically correct, I know but typing color takes me back to spelling tests at school. Of course I have now typed color 3 times. I might as well throw a lovely in there for good measure. 


Anyway, the Smooshy is NOT smooshy. It softens up nicely with a wash but I will leave this to socks in the future. I prefer something akin to a buttered kitten around my neck. As for the pattern? If I get my timing right, expect a dozen or so more of these on FO fridays.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

The day my world stood still

I've been lacking inspiration for the blog of late. I sit and nothing comes. However, I just got back from going to seeing Senna and I found words (Despite, actually feeling quite speechless). So here's my review and why this was a film that meant an awful lot to me.

I am left feeling happy and broken all at once.

It was amazing to watch (one of) the greatest drivers of all time once again. Seeing him smile, watching the moves that made him the best was like a return to my childhood. I remembered the thrill of his tenacity and how I wanted to be as brave and focused as he could be. I was suddenly 7 again, watching with my dad and adoring this young brave hero.
Of course, with this film there was the inevitable. The year ticked to 1994 and I started to struggle to breathe. The practice where Rubins was lucky to walk away, the qualifying where the newbie died; it was gut wrenching. I knew the corner. I knew when it was coming.

The best part was seeing the footage of Frank Williams and Ron Dennis in their hayday. I remembered how playful they could be, the raw genius and talent. They changed epically from that moment. I don’t think Frank has ever really recovered. His F1 career has been monumental but the level of tragedy he has personally shared could only be bourne on shoulders as wise as his. He is a true living legend.
This film reminded me I have a deep connection to the F1: my father. We sat stunned when Senna was denied the championship- screaming with rage at the delayed podium and the clear understanding that Prost had formed an unholy alliance and Senna was about to be unpleasantly taught the politics of the F1 scene. We were shocked to the core by his death. When my dad nearly died after a freak accident a few years ago, 6 months later we walked around Silverstone then watched Jackie Stewart drive his car round the track. I looked up at my Dad and said ‘I love you’.

This film reminds me that no man can replace my Dad or make me not want the F1 anymore.
I’m watching the next race with renewed love for a sport that I grew up watching. With my Dad.