
Friday 10 June 2011


I'm useless at remembering to post for these 'blogalongs'. I try but I almost always remember the day after I was supposed to post. However, I just remembered that I have an FO to share AND IT'S FRIDAY. Ok, I knew it was Friday a little earlier in the day but.... well..... yes...... I am a scatterbrain at the best of times. 

So I'm sharing this lovely FO in honour of 'FO Fridays' hosted by the lovely Tamis. This FO is brought to you by the also lovely Lisa Mutch. I will now attempt to describe the FO without using the word lovely again because I am in love with it. 

The pattern is called Van Doesburg and is very much to my taste- simple, textured and not too girly. I had the pleasure of test knitting this pattern and I found Lisa to be lo.... absolutely gorgeous. I used Dream In Colour Smooshy and I believe it LIES. I also can't bring myself to type Color; I apologise to all the US readers. It's phonetically correct, I know but typing color takes me back to spelling tests at school. Of course I have now typed color 3 times. I might as well throw a lovely in there for good measure. 


Anyway, the Smooshy is NOT smooshy. It softens up nicely with a wash but I will leave this to socks in the future. I prefer something akin to a buttered kitten around my neck. As for the pattern? If I get my timing right, expect a dozen or so more of these on FO fridays.


  1. The color (I just had to) is beautiful and works so well with the pattern! You aren't the first to say that yarn isn't very smooshy! I haven't felt it before, but I'm not sure I want to. I'm all about crazy soft yarn next to my skin as well. Thanks for joining in this week's FO Friday!

  2. Blogger ate my comment, so apologies if you get this twice. I think the shawl is very lovely! ;) Too bad it isn't as smooshy as expected.

  3. Glad to hear this about Smooshy, I'll keep it in mind. I luuurve the colour of your shawl.

  4. It is lovely! I really like the colo(u)r! I've never worked with Smooshy, but I do squish it a lot at the store, wondering why it's called Smooshy if it isn't really (as much as Malabrigo, say). :)

  5. Haha, you amuse me! =D

    I made a shawl with smooshy. It was really lacy, and it relaxed a LOT a few months after blocking, so I think it IS smooshy, depending on what you make with it. :)

    I think they named it smooshy because it sort of shrinks back in on itself a bit, not because it's soft.

  6. I love how your shawl turned out! It looks great. I had the same reaction to Smooshy that you did: it wasn't as soft as I expected. It makes great, durable socks, but I think I'll stick to softer stuff for the shawls and cowls.

  7. It may not be smooshy, but it is definitely a lovely colour. I'd seen photos of this shawl, but hadn't grasped quite how lovely it was until I saw it in a photo bigger than a thumbnail. I may churn one of these out myself, I have Mmmmmalabrigo going spare LOL

  8. It's just There really isn't another word like lovely is there?

  9. Lovely is a good word! I used to have a teacher who put a ban on the word 'nice', she said it had become so pedestrian and didn't mean anything anymore. So I shall say the shawl is scrumptious, delightful and enchanting. Love the colour, it's lovely. Oops.
