
Sunday 19 June 2011

You're IT!! feat. Fyberspates yarn

This special episode features Jeni, the creator and driving force behind Fyberspates yarn and pattern range. Having just launched Volume 1 of 'The Scrumptious Collection' (Ravelry pattern page), I invited Jeni on to the podcast to tell us all about it.

To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below before Sunday 10th July 2011, telling me which colourway of Scrumptious 4 ply you would like to win along with the book. (Note link shows other yarn ranges for the Ravelry link please click here
 - Followers of the blog get an extra entry, so add a second comment to tell me if you are a follower.
- For a third entry, leave a third comment linking to where you have promoted the giveaway elsewhere! Good luck.


  1. I would have to go for the Teal as it is my favourite colour and therefore would match my wardrobe.

  2. I'm a follower too, and still want teal!

  3. Great interview! And oooooh for first word of new Ysolda accessories collection! :O

    As far as yarn goes,mmmmmost definitely Ethereal 4ply Plum and Mauves. Lovely combination.

  4. I'm going to go with the Slate colorway (#307 according to Rav)...but I wouldn't say know to anything in the blue or green or purple family either (unless it was pastel - blech!).

  5. I'm also a follower (and have been for a bit)...and I'd STILL go for the slate (or blue/green/purple) :)

  6. They are all heavenly, but I think maybe the midnight blue as I am having a bit of a blue phase at the minute

  7. I am also a follower! (In a non-creepy, non- religious way.)

  8. Midnight please!

  9. and I'm a follower now too.

    I've just finished a jumper (LiIium) in Fyberspates 4 ply Water which is a wonderful colour for me; and am just starting a small scarf in Purple. Gorgeous rich colour. But my first time with laceweight. Now understand what lifelines are for!

  10. it's great to hear Jeni talk about her new collection, I've already used Scrumptious 4ply for socks and it's a wonderful yarn that I'd love to knit again.
    I'd love to win both the pattern collection and some gold colour!

  11. I utterly adore all of the colours, but I think I'd want to win Oyster...

  12. and I'm also a follower :)

  13. oh man, I'm loving Pebble Beach! So pretty!

  14. and I'm a follower too! What a great giveaway! Thank you so much :)

  15. Scrumptious 4ply is a beautiful yarn... I'd like to try the slate please!

  16. Fab offer! Adore Pebble beach

  17. Velvet!

    What a great podcast, really interesting - thanks! :)

  18. I was offered Oyster in a swap. I hope I win some this time!

  19. mmm would have to be the Lovely Slate grey, I have a thing for greys at the moment <3

  20. and finally.....I just shared about it on my Twitter im Tillymarie I did @ you in it :)

  21. Ooh, I think it would have to be the purple! It's such a lovely yarn...

  22. Hard to choose! I think Dolly Mixtures :)

  23. The silver and gold colourway is unreal. So gorgeous and unusual. Love it!

  24. I would like to have all of the colours they are so fabulous, but I would have to choose Spring

  25. Love the interview and love the Slate colorway!

  26. I spied this book on Ravelry a few weeks ago! It looks like a fantastic collection, the photography is beautiful.

    I've never used Fyberspates, but oh wow, there are some gorgeous yarns through that link! I especially like the sparkle yarns (bit of a magpie!) but for this competition I think I'll plum for Pebble Beach - it looks so wonderfully earthy!

  27. Oh, and I'm a subscriber too! Stumbled across your podcasts fairly recently and am a complete convert. Now working my way through them all :)

  28. I'd love the Purple please, I have the book but it would make a great gift for my Mum

  29. I like Spring.

    And I'm a follower too.

  30. Spring is a great colorway!

  31. I'm taken with the baby pink, and in addition to following your blog, I enjoy the blogroll off to the side. Thanks for the podcast!

  32. I just love the autumnal colour, Jeni is so talented.

  33. From the Ravelry page I love Slate (but if it isn't available Moonlight is gorgeous too).

  34. The Dark Violet is amazing. And it's my grandmother's name!

  35. Oh, and you better know that I'm following your blog. I'm now caught up! :D

  36. Oh, and I'm a follower :)

  37. I love the Golden Sunshine colorway, and it seems that this is further evidence of my growing affection for yellows.

  38. Oh Water is my favourite, such a lovely soothing colour!

  39. Great podcast and interview. I think Cherry is beautiful and I always love purple. The book looks wonderful. I'm pjpurls on ravelry. Now I need to go look at the site some more.

  40. I've only just got round to doing this bit. The colour I would like is... any colour - Jeni's AWESOME at choosing lucky dips, and it adds to the glee when the package arrives :-)

    ETA Happymousefairy
    (coz I forgot blogger doesn't like wordpress having a different URL to my online moniker)

  41. I'm a follower too, so here's my second entry.

    I'd still like any colour Jeni would be happy to send me.

    And I'd like to say that I LOVED the podcast episode - it was fab! :-)

  42. I would live the scrumptious wood!

    Rav: lasknit2

  43. It depends what is leading...I must say I don't follow evrything. I do follow your podcast!

  44. I suggested to my daughter that she enter.

  45. I like the sparkle sock yarn, imps in the wood.

  46. a follower who still covets gold and silver!

  47. I love either the silver and gold or the teal, I can't make my mind up. If I win then you can choose.

  48. I'm also a follower, and still can't decide whether to go for teal or silver and gold. Either will make me happy.

  49. Thanks for a very generous giveaway! I would love the purple. (notpanicking on ravelry)

  50. Also, I follow you through blogger. :)

  51. It's got to be the purple! The other colors are lovely as well, but the purple is the one that caught my eye.
    I'm a follower of your blog too. Love the pics.

  52. I'm a follower of your blog too, so here's another entry. Thanks for a great podcast. It's wonderful to listen to English accents. Wish there were more English "casters."

  53. The teal would be amazing, but they are all beautiful. x

  54. And I'm a follower. I always save your podcasts for when I have the house to myself and can sit with my knitting and a cup of coffee/glass of wine depending on the time of day.

  55. The teal is delightfully yummy!!

  56. I follow the podcast. Does that count as following? The teal is still yummy!!

  57. And I am now following your blog.

  58. I have to choose just one? So hard to single one out, they are all so gorgeous. Guess I'd have to say Moonlight, though...

  59. Wow, i've just exercised my finger to scroll to the bottom of this list. Please add me to this list of pick me pick me.

    I'd have teal please. I love the book, had a look on your recommendation and now i'm seeing it in all the knitting shops and blogs. It is soon to be mine mine mine i tell you.

  60. Very interesting podcast, thanks for doing it ladies. I'd love to win some purple scrumptious.

  61. I'm also a follower and I'd still like some purple (I'm obsessed).

  62. Hi! I just discovered your podcast through a friend.
    If I'm ever so lucky as to win, I would like the purple colourway. Scumptious is such a beautiful yarn.

  63. You are now in my list of blogs I follow - and I still want the purple :) :)
