
Sunday 3 April 2011

Your knitting and crochet time (2KCBWDAY7)

Well hello everyone, how are we all holding up? How's your Sunday? Good? Mine's painful- I got playful last night and am coping on 5 hours sleep and nursing a nasty hangover. I am getting too old for houseparties and swigging wine like it's Ribena. When will I learn?
So it's not hard to see how I failed to remember I haven't completed my day 7 blog today. I launched the podcast, and fell back onto the sofa, weeping and begging for paracetemol. I am truly loathesome. 

My knitting time varies. The main two ways I knit is in my knitting nook, with a podcast, some tea or some blog reading. Or it's while I'm commuting somewhere. This really influences what I knit. I usually have 2 projects on the go- a harder one at home and something small that requires little pattern checking for travelling. I thought I'd share a story about what happened to me the other day. 

Man beast and I were on the way to his Dad's for Sunday roast and hopped on the underground. I was knitting a baby hat as it's nice and transportable. I'm knitting away and man beast chuckles. I look up at him and my fingers remain knitting. He laughs and says, 'Now you've really blown their minds, you're not even looking at it.' I follow his gaze and the entire row opposite are watching me. Two girls with achingly trendy 'scruffy hair' look horrified, a man is watching my fingers intently and his wife is watching him watch me. A nice old man is beaming proudly at me. The husband leans over and asks 'We all would like to know, what is it going to be?' I suspect the girls didn't want to know but they leaned closer, eager for something to mock later over lattes.

I smile and say 'A baby hat' and the wife says 'ooooohhhh thhhaaaaaaats why you're knitting.' Like this explained everything. Because why else would someone dare to be seen knitting in public unless she was pregnant? People are so strange.....

To see everyone's postings for today, please click here.


  1. I get those stares too, when I knit in Starbucks, like it's so weird for a college student to enjoy a coffee and knit. I guess some people never understand XD

  2. I know what you mean, my knitting group is held in the pub - though there are only two of us and we are both quite young so we get a lot of stares!

  3. As one who is childfree by choice, that kind of response really bugs me!

    I got brought a drink in a pub once coz I was knitting, the guy thought it was delightful!

  4. Extremely strange. I've had that more than a few times; people make so many assumptions! I've had it assumed that I was knitting for a baby even when it was very plainly a scarf... and even more oddly, but very common, that my knitting meant I stood for Good Traditional Values. Too bizarre.

  5. I live in a pretty liberal town full of "trendy" knitters and old ladies too, so no one typically looks at me twice unless they are in danger of being poked. Your story made me laugh. :)

  6. i bet it was your flying fingers that had them all mesmerized!!

  7. oh, i know that =) that is why i love knitting in public because people are reacting so strange...
    the most weird thing are women who asume that i have a lack of emancipation...

  8. I'm always so surprised at these stories because I knit in public a lot (including on the London tube) and rarely got the odd stares. People do stare but they usually seem pleasantly interested... Maybe it's just a matter of interpretation? Btw, I'm loving all the comments today too - I wish someone would buy me a pint cause I'm knitting! :D

  9. I've had people assume I was pregnant before based on my knitting, they sort of make a sideways glance at my abdominal region and you can see them trying to gauge whether I'm up the duff (again!) I've found that the more children you have, the more people ask you if you are going to have any more. I'm quite naughty though and tell them I'm infertile (it's true) which makes them uncomfortable. Serves them right for being so nosey!

  10. I love your knitting nook! You are so amazing! I wish I could knit while not looking at what's going on. A cool story you shared.

  11. I get those all the time! Being a "younger" knitter (early 20s), people just don't seem to understand that knitting is cool no matter how young you are. My theory: they're just jealous that they don't know how, which is why I offer to teach everyone I meet.

  12. Oh my goodness, I've gotten the pregnant comments, too, when knitting in public! Like, ONLY pregnant women knit?? This is probably why I don't KIP more often.
