
Sunday 3 April 2011

Episode 1: It's official

Show notes:
Two toe up Socks on One circular Needle by Kirsten Bellehumeur in Knit Picks essential kettle dyed. 
Calorimetry (or I name I refuse to say) by Kathryn Schoendorf in Ewes Full Acres
Asa Tricosa (designer and all round lovely)
The Lollipop Stop (purveryor of delicious knit bags and giveaway enabler)
Last Yesterday blog (friend and fine blogger)
Fly, Fly, Fly by Adrina Thorpe
Dog Days by Amy Speace

Both available on Music Alley

Contact me at: 

RSS Feed


  1. I have to say I really liked your podcast, and I will most definetly subscribe! I felt you were not as "directed" as many other podcasts tend to be, you had a really nice and personal tone, interesting content- and the appropriate measure of Britishness ;)

  2. Loved it! I don't think I've ever actually sat down and listened to a Podcast before, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and am now going to go and investigate some of those links to thinkgs I didn't know about. Look forward to the next one :)

  3. Crocheting is not witchcraft! Knitting is! Two sticks just confuses the hell out of me.

    Oh, and my beloved Abstract Cat has finally been decided to become a pair of socks.

  4. I'm listening to your podcast while drinking a pot of tea. It's making for a lovely and relaxing Sunday afternoon. And terribly British of course.

    You're doing a fantastic job my dear, keep it up.

  5. Hi, I really liked your podcast. Very interesting and I loved that you were so friendly. Can't wait to hear more. What reviews are you going to do?

    Ellie (Elliecat on Ravelry)

    P.S. I love elderflower cordial!

  6. You have such a great tone. The thing that keeps me off podcasts most of the time is that they feel very artifical - I can just hear the podcaster read the prepared lines, in a tone of voice none of us uses for actually talking (I felt the same way about mine, actually). But you sound more like a friend over coffee, or a good, personal, radio presenter. Love it!

  7. My, my don't you sound posh! Keep this up and you'll be snapped up by Radio four in no time lovely!

  8. Congratulations! I really enjoyed this, you sound real, like sitting and talking with a friend :) I love the topics you chose, very interesting and inspiring!

    I'm allergic to alpaca too, as well as cashmere, and they seem to be adding those fibers into lots of yarns these days. I mostly choose merino and silk as well, so I'll be looking forward to hearing about other yarns you've used!

  9. A huge thank you to all of you who took the time to download, stop by an comment or message me. It's been a lovely and overwhelming response. I can't wait for it to properly hit itunes and I've got lots of fun things planned for future episodes.

  10. Just wanted to say congratulations on your debut. I loved the episode and will definitely be spreading the word. It's great to have another UK based podcast on the scene and I think your show was 'spot-on'. Thank you and keep up the good work.

  11. congrats on your podcast!! Very enjoyable to listen too and interesting!

  12. I love your new podcast! You have such a wonderfully soothing voice with interesting and organized content. I can't wait to hear more from you.
    Lori (Flutterbys on Ravelry)

  13. I found you through the Podcast Junkies group on Ravelry, and I am so glad that I clicked the link. Loved episode 1!

  14. I love you podcasters over there on the other side of the globe for sure! Your voice and way of life is just what makes a audible podcast worth listening and makes those many others in the States a little bit of a bore at times.

    Keep it up and way to go jumping on the band wagon! If you're wanting to keep it just audible podcasters many tones of the others upload to while videos are tending to favour I did notice when I was downloading free video software programs the fun free audible software that I could have used though I loath my own voice.

    Do it as long as you're enjoying the podcasting, I say! Like many others I'm anxiously waiting for following shows.


  15. I'm listening to your podcast and you have a lovely voice. I'm quite the anglophile, so I will look forward to upcoming podcasts!

  16. How glad am I to have found an English podcaster! Hip Hip Hooray!!!

    I have just gotten back into knitting in a HUGE way (I can knit but haven't for years and years) and listen to lots of US podcasts so to find a podcaster who lives in the UK is brilliant! I do so love the sound of your voice and I'm rather jealous - I have a Brummie accent which I think would perhaps not make for such a relaxing sounding podcast! :)

  17. Having a brother like you is a blessing from the heavens. Happy birthday, dearest. Wishing you the sweetest things in life. Elder Brother Birthday Wishes
