
Tuesday 15 March 2011

Knit news

No you are not seeing double- that is TWO copies of Cookie A's new book 'Knit.Sock.Love'. I have been keeping very quiet about my double purchase since the beginning of February! I had the pleasure of meeting Cookie at my local LYS, Loop, over a month ago but having had one of the books signed for a friend, I wanted to wait until her book arrived. Thanks to increases in postal service security in the US however, it took an AGE to get there. 

So I can now tell you what a prize num-nut I made of myself with Cookie A. Joy! I had thought the book signing was being held the day before and that was the day I lay on the sofa with plague, or flu depending on whether you believe me or the doctor. On Sunday, I dragged myself to the farmer's market to get fresh produce to make me better and walked past Loop..... Cookie A was there! 

So I nervously went in and wished I'd worn better knitwear. I pretended to be looking at several skeins before finally plucking up the courage to say hi and ask for two signed books. Cookie was lovely and so charming. I was all excited to chat to her about her recent travels, having been following her and Anne Hansen's progress via blogland. I then froze, realising I must sound like such a stalker! It took her a while to coax a sentence out of me after this, then she blew it by saying 'I love that scarf' (pointing at man beasts Daybreak), 'Did you make that?'

I recovered speech just to squeak 'yes, thank you, bye now'.

What a dork.

I redeemed myself by getting into a conversation via blogland commenting and email with Anne about missing her that day, making a dork of myself and recommending a few last places for her to try in London. I'm hoping she told Cookie that I'm not such a muppet really, I just get scared by someone who can thinking in cables and socks that way she does....


  1. Cookie A. is brilliant. I would totally be the same way if I had the chance to meet her. Actually, I probably would subject myself to that- I too would be super dorky. But I bet she gets it all the time. Her talent is just unbelievable.

  2. aw, I bet she thought you were great! In bloggy land, it's so easy to know what other knitters are up to, I'm sure she thought it was great to meet someone who appreciates her designs.

  3. Very cool! I've said more embarrassing things to semi-famous people before, so don't be too hard on yourself. ;)
