
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Featured: Yarn to Knit

This time my featured crafter is Yarn to Knit, an indie dyer who very kindly invited me and my friend into her home to craft and yarn gaze. It all begun as a suggestion to my friend of Yarn and Spices that we should check out some local dyers/ yarn shops. She casually replied to the Yarn to Knit, 'Oh Martina? She's lovely'. I was there!

We arrived and sat round happily, talking knitting and crochet, each with projects in our laps and plenty of tea to keep us refreshed. We chatted about recent shows Martina has attended (Unravel has just gone and she will be at Wonderwool- so keep your eyes peeled). Then Martina thought she'd get out some skeins to show us, and my friend and I promptly lost all ability to speak, save for some Gollum impressions. 

I mean look at just these two boxes? Aren't they delicious?

I dived in, pulling out warm skeins of plush british breeds and cool skeins with silk and bambo blends. I had a hard job narrowing things down....

 I reduced this pile one sad skein at a time, it was not easy! I finally settled on a sock yarn in the colourway 'Red Wine' and two skeins of DK in 'Peacock'. Yes, yes, I know that I'm dewstashing but it's my birthday soon so I'm allowed. Especially as I've been so discplined. It would've been rude not to buy after all that fondling anyway right?
We finished with more cake and cookies. It was generally a day made of win. Thanks Martina- you were such a poppet to feed us and supply us with yummy yarns!


  1. This was a fantastic afternoon. Crafting, cake and chat.

    I should also point out that I was the one making the gollum noises. Ms Playful would never be so undignified. I feel justified though as I was making them about the exquisite 'Smoky Silk' silk merino sock yarn.

    I also got a skein of the gorgeous and imaginatively named 'Galah' 100% bluefaced leicester DK.

    I have been stroking my skeins and plotting ever since I got home. Hooray!

  2. Ahh..Thank you ladies! What a fab afternoon that was! Guess what. I've just ordered my bd present from a friend: Knit and Lace Block Wires! Squeeeee! Thanks for your suggestions - it has been on my mind ever since and I figured out I couldn't possibly live without them..LOL. When/where is the next session? ;-) x

  3. Oo I just got this in an email from Martina

    'It is 21st March today - so officially, SPRING is here! To celebrate, we have an offer for you:21% off on your shopping. Just enter a code "SPRING2011" at the checkout.

    This offer is valid until Sunday 27th March when the clock goes forward.

    Please note, this offer is available on yarns only.'
    Sorry to spam your comments but I reckoned your readers might like to know.
