
Thursday 24 February 2011

I captured 'L'

PhotobucketThis week's You Capture was fun. I decided to enter into the spirit of things and really try to find things I wouldn't normally capture. I live in London, I had grand hopes of capturing something so completely London to me that I'd be able to tell the world about the wonderful city I live in.
The hurdle was my complete apathy this week. Not towards this projects but in general. I'm honestly struggling to knit, read or even leave the flat. I can't tell you what I've been up to in it's place though. Really. Where did this week go?

I DID flirt with the idea of writing about the plight of the UK's libraries but the pictures just didn't feel like something I would never have thought of capturing before; I am completely in love with the area of London I live in so I regularly snap the architecture. I like the idea of finding something new, that's why I do this challenge. I did find Latex though which sure made me giggle.I will post some more 'London' pics though. I might even make myself go out today with this sole purpose in an effort to beat the apathy.

Then I stumbled on an idea: Laundrette! I went in and looked at the rows of machines all pleasingly identical. I puzzled the laundry worker as I snapped my shot and felt pleased: Kate 1, apathy nil. 
L is for Laundrette


  1. OH this would be fun hanging in the laundry room.

  2. I love laundromats! I am sorry your libraries are in peril! I can't even imagine what I would have done without ours when my son was young! We used to go every single week! Such a great place! : )

  3. It makes me so genuinely sad. I went to my local one today and perused. It felt a bit weak and feeble in there like an old folks home. They're all expecting to be turfed out. It made me sad.

  4. I love the people in (I can't remember which market town) who protested the library cuts by coming in and taking out ALL the books. Awesome behaviour.
