
Saturday 21 September 2013

Settling an Urge to Cast On

Good morning all

This week, aside from craving more baking, I've been craving some knitting time. Largely because I've had very little and did a 3 day stint with nothing. NOTHING. It was horrific. 

I've realised I need to cast on more projects. Hear me out on this one. I need to cast on more projects as I'm getting to the point with 3 WIPs that I can't just pick them up and GO. My Afterthought Heel Socks are almost complete so the heels will need sorting and I need a few unbroken minutes to do that. My Baby Stockings are needing some decreases that I'm obsessing about being straight so I need good light for those which rules out bedtime knitting. They're my own design so I also want to make notes as I go. Then there's my Girl Crush Sweater which I've already noticed has a whopping great 3 cable mistakes already. I'm trying hard not to add a 4th on the final throes of the second sleeve. 

So what am I planning to cast on?

One asymmetrical garter stitch shawl, a sideways shawl and a baby hat. The baby hat is a toss up between The Woodcutter's Baby and another Aviatrix hat (seriously, they're like knitting crack. I HAVE to make another for Playful Baby. Plus they use up odd buttons which means an indulgent dive into my button box). This will possibly be the most WIPs I have ever had on the needles at once. I think I might even need more needles at this rate!

I have the yarn mostly sorted. The baby hat will be from some stash leftovers, the sideways shawl will be in some delicious new yarn that Fyberspates just released and the asymmetical shawl is almost there from stash too. I have purple for the main body but can't decide on the contrast colour. 

WM 'Cassis' (purple) with TUT 'Breathe'

What do you think?

WM 'Cassis' (purple) with TUT 'Manuscript'


  1. I agree, having multiple projects to turn to is essential when trying to squeeze in knitting around looking after a little one! And I vote for the manuscript, I like its warmer tone next to the purple :)

  2. I would go with the manuscript colour myself. I always have lot of projects on the go. You need to have something that is mindless and portable, something that is more complex and challenging and then something that is in between which feel like comfort knitting.

  3. Well I guess I'm breaking the mold by picking Breathe.....

  4. I'd go with the bottom combo, the one using Manuscript. The contrast with the top one looks a little harsh to me. Quite hard to be sure on a screen though.
