
Friday 27 September 2013


I went to bed last night in a really good mood and felt like all was right with the world. I'd had the kind of week that had quite a few wins, good surprises and just felt a lot of satisfaction from interactions I'd had. I'm plodding through some nice work with some fabulous designers and yarnies, I'm writing, I'm knitting a little, and all is right in the world. 

Let me show you. 

Firstly, I had an article that I wrote about The Ricefield Collective published. I adore this project and think it's a really good model for future fashion initiatives. I happen to know Anna Maltz, one of the designers and key players in the development of RC so I feel like I've watched this grow for quite some time. If you want to check out the article, it's in Issue 63, out now. 

Then I finished some magical socks. Yup

These are Afterthought Heel Socks in  Trailing Clouds 'Mind The Gap' colourway. I'm a sucker for self striping yarn and this was one of the few skeins I've bought and just cast straight on. I generally save skeins in some kind of Gollum fashion but I'm trying to get better about releasing their potential into the wild. 

These are wild aren't they? As a London girl, I found myself trying to name all the stations on each tube line as I knit! I also won the gamble of going down to 2mms to see if I can get a really firm, stretchy fabric as my gauge has changed. So far, I'm winning in that they fit. Let's see if these wear a little better as a result. 

So then I was sad as I had no socks on the needle right?


As if Asti sensed I was ending a WIP, a magical skein of Juno Fibre Art's Buffy Toughie arrived just in time for me to cast on a special sock that I will be blogging about next month. I can't get over how much I love the variegation in this skein. 

You'd think this would be enough right? No! There's more! I then saw that an article I wrote, possibly my most favourite ever, published in this issue of Knit Edge magazine. It's about knitting and gender stereotypes and politics. I mean, you can't get more me than that right? I tried to work in gin, I swear but I think we can all agree that nothing should be THAT perfect. 


  1. You are too funny.

    I totally understand the hoarding tendencies of all the sock yarn. I have probably 200+ skeins of sock yarn in my stash and I don't knit that fast...but those are my sock yarns and I don't want to knit all of them (they're too pretty). But I'm glad for the ones I have knit and let loose into the wild :)

  2. Good Gravy, those are some fabulous socks.

  3. I love this Buffy Toughie colorway! I'm not a fan of pastels but get sick of bold colors every now and then. This is like a perfect in between color. I love the way it all works together. Can't wait to see what you make with it!
