
Thursday 29 August 2013

Playful Days

Most weeks seem to just shoot by so fast without me sharing what has kept us playful this week so let me correct that today with this post.

This week we have been....

....musical at Baby Bop. Playful Baby looks at Bea with a look that can only be described as pure love and we love the Beaver Dance. A great end to the week every time...

.... making things for our soon to arrive friends....

.... hunting for fairies, going on a Bear Hunt and giving up in favour of a picnic at Nature Play....

.... sharing some of my favourite places in London with the Playful Babe. The noises, the sights, the smells...

... and causing lots of mayhem and destruction. Being mobile opens a whole new avenue for house work that I never thought possible. Time to introduce the 'tidy up disco': hit play and get it all tidied by the end of the song. I'm hoping that it will catch on.

What's keeping you playful this week?


  1. Yes, we used to sing a made up clean along song and everyone picked up the day's mess. It made clean up fun and a group activity.

  2. Make the most of this baby time. My oldest is 18 & I've no idea where the time has gone. She leaves for uni in 2 weeks which is scary.
