
Monday 6 May 2013

And the Winner is.....

... random number 1, Fruitful Fusion! You said in your comment, 'I'm such a beginner when it comes to socks, I'd definitely start with the basic toe up in that cute little baby size and then work my way up to the other lovely patterns!'

(c) Cooperative Press
Please get in contact for your digital copy of Tiny Treads  that features 12 sock patterns for infants and children

If you weren't lucky this time, you can always purchase your copy here or simply check out more of the fab designs in this book. Stay tuned for another fab giveaway later in the week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!!! I've been on such a downer these last couple of weeks! What a lovely surprise to check in and find this post! THANK YOU!
