
Sunday 21 April 2013


It's finally here! Oh thank God! I was positively miserable about the weather but two days of Spring sunshine, blossom and long naptime walks and I'm positively brimming with happiness. Things are happening, blossoming, growing and so I attacked my crafting pile. 

This happened. 

I then did a WIPS count. Prizes if you remember this old friend:

These are getting there

This is not. 

There was ripping, stashing and packing away. It felt good. Spring is springing.  Stay tuned for the next gleeful post-it's a review AND giveaway. Yipppeeee!!!


  1. I've done some organizing of the WIPs, but sad to say I have many more...

  2. Hello! I know this isn't particularly relevant to this post, but I have just found your podcast on itunes and wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying it. And as for your previous post: I am with you and playful baby. Let the people wear red, sister! Thank you for taking the time to post and podcast.
