
Sunday 31 March 2013

Magic Toe

So I've been doing a little knitting. Things have progressed a teeny bit and just as you would expect, if there is a hope of knitting in my day, I grab it and go!

The problem however, has been that I haven't been enjoying my WIPs. I've got to those loooooong rows in the shawl I'm making that just make me feel as if I'm stuck in a black hole. It's pretty but I want progress.

My socks are boring me to tears quite frankly. I'm working up Charade Socks by Sandra Park in Nerd Girl Yarns 'Shimma' in the 'sexy' colourway.  and I'm not in love to be perfectly honest. I'm finding the herringbone rib tedious and a little tight on my hands and the yarn base is not ideal. I've had two breaks already.

I'm on the first sock and was about to place them in time out for a while until I checked and..... Oh! I'm ready for the toe. Suddenly I'm knitting a whole new section and that's like a new project.

Kind of.....

Stay tuned for a giveaway coming very soon!


  1. I'm not very good with socks..I get bored after the first one

  2. Socks are looking good, I am a fan of blue and yellow as a colour combo. Have been working on a totally plain pair of socks this weekend as a break from patterns- just pick up and knit, it has been lovely!
