
Wednesday 6 February 2013


'.... What's been going on?' Came the cry as I slipped back into familiar footing and started to blog again. (The response to my blog post was wonderful incidentally and enticed me back eagerly, thank you.)

Well, there's been very little time for cooking and knitting that's for sure. I read blogs a fair amount but find that I'm left feeling sorry for myself that everyone is cooking, making, baking, and having fun while I'm not.

That is of course, a complete lie. Being a mother to a tenacious little bean is a hoot and a hobby in itself. It's exhausting and nerve wracking and at times heart breaking but I'll take it. I am endlessly fascinated by the way in which babies learn. A theme of playful is crucial to my every day and wow, Little Miss is. We can spend hours exploring our hands together and watching each others facial expressions. Before I know it, the sun is going down and it's time to wind down another day.

I received lots of contact when I said we were having a less than playful time. thank you. If it weren't for this one blight, life would be such a fantastically upbeat and amazing thing for this little babe. She really is such a happy soul. We share books together, do yoga together & giggle in the bath.

Her favourite things are massage, anything shiny (she flirts mercilessly with the bath fittings) and lying down and just chatting it all out. I tried to show her my favourite thing but I'm not sure she got it.....


  1. It's great to hear from you and I'm so glad you and the little one are enjoying getting to know one another!

  2. I can relate. Just this time last year I was always on the couch nursing. Especially in the middle of the night. I would read my blog reader at those times and catch up with everyones life. But I would also be jealous of the cooking and the wonderful projects! It gets easier and you do get more time for the other things you love! Glad to have you back at blogging!
