
Thursday 21 February 2013

Island by Jane Richmond Blog Tour

Almost a year ago, I asked Jane to be my Valentine and celebrated her fabulous eye for design and pattern writing. I have long admired Jane's disarmingly simple aesthetic that has lead to a powerhouse collection of stylish of patterns for women, me and children's garments and accessories. Her patterns are intuitively written and I've spent many a happy hour perusing her library of patterns as there's so many that look fun to knit. So I was over the moon when I heard there was a book in the works. 

Some of you may remember me waxing lyrical about the fab video she put out as a hint of things to come. I loved the photography, the music, the knitting..... I just wanted my hands on that book as soon as I saw it. I love knitting collections that go beyond the knitwear into a book that even non knitters will admire. Apparently, this is just what Jane had in mind: a coffee table book that rolled all things knitty and beautiful about her home island into one. 

Strathcona (c) Nicholas Kupiak
As a later entrant in the blog tour I thought about trying to present the book in a slightly different way and look at the more editorial design choices of the book. If you want to read the other fantastic blog posts, please follow the links here. There's the nuts and bolts of course: 5 unique patterns, available both digitally and in hard copy. However, it's not just this that makes my heart sing. It's the care that Jane takes in her pattern design, writing and presentation that really gets me going as a knitter. The book inspires me visually as well as creatively. Here's a few reasons why......

Grace (c) Nicholas Kupiak
This collection features handknits inspired by life on Vanouver Island and is lovingly presented with exquisite photographs that demonstrate just why the island is so inspiring. It's a moody collection that begs to be treated indulgently and when I got my copy I popped the kettle on, got some favourite chocolate and nestled down to read; it's that kind of book. There's a lot of pages for a 5 piece collection so you can turn to this book time and again to indulge. 

About those pages: no information is left out. At the back of the book you will find a clear sizing chart, directory, resources and the patterns are clear and expertly written without becoming cluttered and overwhelming. A nice touch is the sizing- in the patterns you have a blank that you can pencil in the size that you are knitting from the chart at the back rather than navigate 11 (yes 11) sizing options. A nice touch that shows Jane is thinking of the experience of working from her patterns.  

Arbutus (c) Nicholas Kupiak
Each design has multiple pictures so you have a good idea of how your finished product will look. No saggy bits hidden by arty photography. It's appealing but it's clear. Perfect for knitwear. 

Finally, I love the book itself. The binding is strong enough for it to feel like a real book and polished but its' size means that it is easy to prop open and keep open with something like, say, a coffee cup (or glass of gin and tonic). The paper feels high quality and nice to touch and the size of the book makes it perfect for knitting on the move.

Renfrew (c) Nicholas Kupiak
So if this review has made you curious about where you can get your hands on a copy, please visit Jane's website where you will find the following details and more about the book. 


Print copies of ISLAND are now available through, and Please don't forget to write a review once you've had a look at the book, it really helps to allow others to discover the book. 

Of course there's also the option to win a copy right here too! One lucky commenter will receive their own signed copy of the book if you can tell me your favourite pattern of Jane's in the comment of this blog post. Answer before 1st March 2012 and check back here on the 2nd for the announcement. Good luck!


  1. Thank you for the giveaway.

    Arbutus looks really interesting I think.

    TracyC611 on Ravelry

  2. My favorite of Janes are Renfrew, Grace, Savannah Cardigan, Autumn Leftovers, Manda Ruth and Jane. There are too kenny to chose one. THank you for the giveaway. Ninnilina on Ravelry

  3. The hat is probably my fave, but there are a few patterns I really like! It's not very often I like this many patterns from a book!

  4. Has to be Grace for me. I love cardigans and the raglan detailing on this is just lovely.

  5. From this collection, I love Grace. Thanks for the opportunity!

  6. I'd definitely knit Grace, but all the others would be on my to be knit list.

  7. Thanks for this giveaway!
    Since those patterns came out, I've got my eye on the renfrew hat and the grace cardigan.

  8. I love all of the patterns in this collection, but right now I'm leaning towards Renfrew.

  9. I think the Renfew Hat is really cute! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  10. I love them all, but would knit Arbutus first, the construction is so intriguing and it looks so cozy! Knursekettle on ravelry

  11. I've been eyeing this book for a while now. I'd love to knit Grace.

  12. My favourite is Renfrew - I'm in a hat knitting mood. I love Vancouver Island and I love that it's inspired all these knitting patterns.

  13. My fav is Strathcona. I already bought the single pattern. thanks!

  14. My favorite pattern is the Arbutus cowl. I'd really like to try my hand at that. I love making cowls.

  15. Your review is lovely :-) I want to knit everything in this book, from start to finish! I would probably cast on the hat first, or maybe the cowl... it looks super cuddly :-)

  16. I honestly love them all! Grace and Renfrew are up at the top.

  17. Wow, your review makes me want the book even more. I adore Renfrew, but if I had more time I'd soooo knit Grace!

  18. I would love to knit Grace! Thank you! Stephanie (indigodogmt on Ravelry)

  19. I want to make the Grace cardigan!

  20. I like the Artubus pattern. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Juliaknit on Ravelry

  21. Love love love the grace cardigan! Thanks for the chance!

  22. Definitely loving the Grace cardigan!

  23. I love the Grace cardigan. It is such a classic style. But really I love every single pattern in this book, I would knit every one!

    mhchong on Ravelry

  24. There are many lovely ones, I choose Arbutus. So graceful and pretty.

    (goodstuff on Rav)

  25. I love them all but I'm smitten with Grace! I'd love to knit her soon!

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

    wingsfromthemarsh on Ravelry

  26. I think the first on my list would be the Renfrew hat but I also would like to knit the Georgia cardi.

  27. My first knit would be Grace. After that, well, I would just be thrilled to hold the book in my hands!

  28. I love arbutus. I'm into cowls lately.

  29. My two favorites are the Grace cardigan and the Arbutus cowl. Gorgeous patterns in general.

  30. They are all beautiful, so a hard decision to make on just one! I guess I would really love to make the Arbutus cowl, what a lovely design. Thanks.

  31. I really would like to make Grace. My rav name is janineny2001.

  32. Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway!

    I would definitely make Renfrew first, though Grace would be a close second...

  33. I simply LOVE "Grace"! It is so elegant. What a treat it would be to win a copy. I have been holding off purchasing until my financial situation allows. Thank you for the fabulous giveaway.

  34. Wow, that's a tough one, to pick just one favourite. But I would have to say that the Oatmeal sweater is one of my favourites.

  35. Oh, how I wish I could be that "one lucky commenter"! My favourite pattern from the book is the Grace cardigan. I love the design elements, the colour, everything. Good luck everyone!

  36. Arbutus is amazing in design and construction. Jane is a genius.

  37. I love all of Jane's patterns, how can you pick? I would love to make the arbutus first...Thank you for your great blog today....cheers

  38. Grace keeps calling me! I love her patterns, she's super nice as well, I met her briefly in the Fall.
    I also have to add that it's really cool reading about my local area/a local designer in a blog from England, no less! :)

  39. What a great giveaway! The book sounds lovely and I feel that arbatus is one of the patterns that appeals to me most!

  40. I've been admiring and making Jane's patterns for a couple of years now and they are always gratifying.

    I think I would most like to make Arbutus because it is, like so many of her projects, a high impact accessory that is easy to make.

  41. Love all of Jane's sweaters and from this beautiful collection it's got to be Grace!

  42. I love the Grace cardigan, and the Renfrew hat so much. I actually already bought the yarn to make the Grace I just need the book :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. whoops I forgot to add my Ravelry id is hotcheese

  44. Oh! It's such a nice collection! And there is something that would suit everybody's taste. I would like a Grace, and an Arbutus, and a Strathcona and of course a pair of Rathtrevor! :)

  45. How come I hadn't seen this book before?? All beautiful patterns, but I think I hear Arbutus calling my name...

  46. I love Renfrew. Thanks for the giveawa

  47. I had the opportunity to meet Jane Richmond on a yarn crawl in Vancouver BC - she is lovely!

    The only pattern of hers I've knit so far is Marian, downloaded from Ravelry. From "Island" my definite favorite is Arbutus - I'm definitely adding that to my queue!

  48. My favourite patterns of Jane's are Renfrew, Grace, and any of her other sweater patterns! i am working on Georgia right now!


  49. The book is the first time I ever heard of Jne Richmond and now I am a big fan of her designs. From the book itself I think my favorite is Arbutus because it's simple but with a unique construction that makes it stand out.

  50. I've liked a lot of her cardi patterns, but the new Grace one really does float my boat! I may have to make a note to try and get the yarn for it when I'm back home in Seattle and we make a trip up to Vancouver Island!

  51. I love this collection! Currently my favorite is Renfrew, but I am really loving hats right now. I would love to knit everything in this collection along with several of her other patterns as well though.

  52. I find the Rathtrevor Mittens absolutely wonderful. I love fingerless mitts and I'm seduced by the gorgeous photos. However, it is hard to pick one favourite among all the lovely patterns!
