
Monday 26 November 2012

Just Saying Hi

Just popping in to report a few important facts that I feel I should share with you, the readers:

1. I've figured out where I am on that pesky sock 

2. I've figured how to knit and nurse 

3. Knit progress is slow but has restarted

(big beaming smile)

That is all....


  1. Knitting and nursing in tandem are high on my list of "must learn" once the baby arrives!

    Glad knitting has resumed. Happy Monday...


  2. Wow, congrats on the knitting and nursing! Don't think I even attempted that. I remember that reading an ebook is much easier than reading a 'real' book while holding a baby though.

  3. Knitting and nursing - you mean at the same time? I am VERY impressed. The most I could ever do while I was nursing was watch TV or read. Congrats to you!

  4. Aaahhhh...well that is very good to hear! Knit on!

  5. Knitting and nursing is totally the way to go! There may come a time when a little hand tries to bat your knitting away, but persevere because that shall pass... Nothing stays the same for long when it comes to babies. Enjoy :)
