
Monday 17 September 2012

Duvet Day

Some days you need to hit the stop button. Often you hit it far, far, too late and find yourself tired and desperate by the time you realise you should have planned time out sooner. 

Today I've decided to hit the stop button. I was going to work, run errands and had lots planned but as the day progressed I realised my head, body and heart were weary and I need to just stop. Now. 

I have changed out of my top, smart jeans and walking shoes in favour of handknit socks, yoga pants and a snuggly jumper. I have knitting, I have Ravelry, I have sunshine streaming in on me from a beautiful day where I can see the leaves being painted yellow as autumn moves in. I have cups of tea and if I really wanted I could work out which box holds a blanket and could be unpacked to snuggle under. Only if I really wanted though. 

Music choice?

Oh Adele on days like this. Followed by Joni Mitchell. Naturally. 


  1. What a splendid, splendid idea - I hope your day is tops!

  2. Was feeling guilty about having a duvet day myself today, but after reading your blog, I now feel much better!

  3. Duvet days are, quite simply, the best. And the more you need them, the better they are.

    I just wanted to de-lurk myself (that sounds disgusting) and say that I've been listening to all your back podcasts and I've absolutely loved every single one. You have a wonderfully warm, chatty style and I've been playing them in my office as late afternoon turns to evening and I have a great pile of books to mark. (I'm a teacher). It's nice to be reminded that it's worth scooting through the marking and going home to find some crafting and loveliness. And food :D

    I've recently started my own scrapbooking podcast - there wasn't one in the UK - and I just want to thank you for all the inspiration I've found in yours. I love it, keep them coming!

    Miss Smith xxx

    P.S. I really hope I get better at the technology.
