
Sunday 3 June 2012

For the love of.... baking.

I know I boasted about my recent efforts on Twitter and the podcast but I couldn't leave it at that now could I? I HAD to share some photographs of my yummy baking session. 

First there was the wonderful Rye Soda Bread from the Super Natural Every Day Cookbook by Heidi Swanson. This recipe was perfectly written and I had great results as you can see:

Pre oven

Ready for buttering!
Then I made the most delicious snack bars I've made in ages. They are called 'Honey and Peanut Booster Bars' and can be found in 'River Cottage Every Day' by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. This is one of my absolute all time favs and I go to this book time and time again for failproof wholesome recipes. 

You may notice this picture shows the uncooked version.... I forgot to take the end result as I was too busy cutting myself some and stuffing it in my mouth but it was good- trust me.


  1. They both look delicious! I can't blame you for not getting "after" shots of the snack bars.

  2. Love the snack bar recipe. I need to make some.

  3. I have that book! I really want her other book now.

  4. mmm those snack bars look yummy :D I've left you a little award over on my blog, have a knitty tuesday xxx
