
Tuesday 29 May 2012

A Treat

I love second hand finds, especially if they're craft or cooking related. A little while back I attend Unravel but I neglected to share my prize find. While wandering around the different vendors we found a fabulous second hand stall with baskets, knitting accessories and all kinds of wonderful treasures. I lost a good half an hour looking lovingly at the items and decided something special had to come home and continue its craft life with me.

My purchase was a simple one: a repurposed box with knitting goodies inside. It wasn't purpose built but reclaimed for a crafty life by a knitter like myself. How do I know it was a knitter? Well, there were clues.....

Firstly I loved the box. Sadly, it had a sticker put on it some time ago so I need to get some fine steel wool and ease that off and give it a little beeswax to make it happy again. I googled the 'Punchenellos' label but couldn't find what this referred to. I'm intrigued, I'll admit!

Then there's the goodies inside: buttons, ribbons, trinkets and thread. I delved in further to find out more about this mystery crafter and found these little gems. 

Ah ha! A needle gauge and what else?

Tally marks inside the box. Love that


  1. Love it. Second hand items make me dizzy with stories that crop up. What were the tally marks for? And the cluster of pearls? Were they part of a wedding dress, perhaps? What about the scraps? What were the plans for them? Had other bits of that ribbon been used? On what?

    I love history. There's so much scope of the imagination when it comes to personal history like this.
