
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Spinning Progress

Well it's official..... I made yarn

I have to say I loved playing with fibre and I completely and utterly understand the addiction to spinning. It is soothing and xen and you just feel so clever! I have so much to learn and my main issue was that I swapped for a second bobbin and put it on..... the wrong way round. So the second bobbin was less than smooth which is a shame as I was starting to spin really consistently. 

I am pleased though and while some spots are a little funky, I think I like what I produced. I couldn't stop laughing at the yarn before I'd given it a good soak and thwack. Talk about energised! I love the way though that you can calm it down. 

I see more spinning in my future. Of course the issue is now, what do you knit with an unknown yardage.... with an inconsistent weight? Anyone?


  1. Nice yarn! I love the colour. I often make hats out of my handspun, I love how the thick and thin knits up.

  2. yay!! looks great. i only started spinning this past fall and i can tell you that with practice, your yarn will get very even very quickly.

    i recommend leethal patterns. she has a new book remixed which is great. and a lot of her other patterns are any guage as well, very customizable. i plan to make the either/or mittens with my first lumpy bumpy handspun. and plan some cowls with some of the others. i have yet to use any though. a little scared to use it up. silly i know.

  3. A scarf on the bias (a la Clapotis) is my go to project.

    You can work out the yardage though - measure the hank around, then count the strands in the hank.

  4. How exciting to have your own hand-spun!! It's lovely. I recommend a Baktus scarf/shawl as you can decide when to start your decrease.

  5. I love it! Beautiful colour! I'm knitting some toast wrist/arm warmers in some handspun at the moment. V simple so the beautiful yarn can do the talking!

  6. Your handspun is so beautiful! I love the rich colour, you'll have to knit something extra special with it.
