
Sunday 8 April 2012

Pod-i-versary Giveaway!!!

Well I couldn't let it slide by without a little celebration now could I?

In the interests of saving my wrists during this giveaway bonanza, there is a pod-i-versary giveaway thread in the Aplayfulday Ravelry Group for you to enter this giveaway. Please leave ONE comment and say something that you have really enjoyed about the podcast or blog or what you would like to see more of so I can get lots of fun ideas about the year ahead. However, there may be opportunities for extra entries so keep an eye on Twitter, this here blog and the announcements thread in the group. I'm going to be sneaky and playful because that's what I do. 

So, let's talk about what you can win shall we?

A copy of Juju's Loops, kindly donated by our friends at Loop, London
For the Spinners: Romney Combed Top, approx. 4 ounces, colourway 'Femme Fatale' from our fabulous sponsor, Northbound Knitting.
Two skeins Superwash Merino DK, 230 yards/100g skein, in the colourway 'Isis', also from Northbound Knitting, plus a copy of Uncommon Clouds and Quoth The Raven, Lisa's ebook pattern collection. 
From wonder dyer Skein Queen, 2 skeins of Opulent cashmere, an Addi needle, a Some Lovely Things to Knit with Skein Queen yarn pattern booklet, some Fripperies and Bibelots stitch markers, all in a natural cotton drawstring project bag.
A skein of Yummy Fingering in the winners choice of colourway (excluding retired club colourways) from our sweet sponsor, Candy Skein.
A copy of the Scrumptious Collection, Volume 1 and a skein Rural Charm 4ply in the winner's choice of colourway from our fab friends at Fyberspates (try saying that 3 times fast)
A lovely project bag from the delightful blog sponsor, The Lollipop Stop

Remember to enter via the thread on the group and please say whether you are a spinner or not in case you win the fibre (also, any allergies)! The giveaway will run until 30th April 2012 and winners will be announced via the blog in May afbter being selected by the Random Number Generator.

Psssssst don't forget there's another giveaway opportunity here.


  1. I love your blog! I love the links, the music and especially a great give-away such as this.

  2. I'm not a podcast listener, but I love your blog - I love the variety, mostly. Even though I'm primarily in to knitting, I love seeing all of your other interests show up! Thanks for everything!

  3. I love your blog and your podcast. I especially love that you include foodie-ism (munch, burp, schlurp) in the podcast along with the knitting!

  4. I really enjoy your podcast! I think you have a very pleasant voice and laid back feeling to the podcast. I am a knitter, but I love food, it's a win-win. Plus, I like that you are into healthy and eco-friendly options :) Thanks!

  5. Hi. I'm new to your podcast and am trying to catch up from both ends of the playlist. :-) I love the upbeat and enthusiastic tone your podcast has. I'm looking forward to hearing more!

  6. Hi

    I've liked all the features on designers, events and the background to what you are knitting and why. Happy Birthday!


  7. I both listen to the podcast & read the blog. I really like both and enjoy listening to all of the "mischief" you've been creating - long may you prosper.
