
Monday 2 April 2012

Donation Incentive

Well it's been a year since I started my podcast and things went much better than I expected- I stuck to a regular schedule for a whole year, even managed bonus episodes and have had so much fun and met so many wonderful people. 

When I found myself unemployed last year after months of on/off work, I toyed with the idea of ending the podcast. I simply didn't have the energy with job hunting and as for money? Yes, well..... I saved my podcasting bacon by taking on wonderful sponsors who compliment each other and the podcast/ blog and that's helped me cover costs for attending events that I couldn't otherwise afford, travel costs to events and interviews, hosting fees and postage and packaging of prizes.

Now that I'm self employed, not much has changed as I still rely on the podcast being completely self funded. There really is little slack in those early months of freelance. However, with lots of giveaways, events etc the kitty is getting low so once a year, for the podcast anniversary I'm going to run a month long donation incentive to boost the kitty back up. I'm doing that by offering expensive to ship prizes that I've been holding on to until I had enough funds to post them out internationally rather than limit who could enter the contests by excluding international shipping. I want to continue to share lots of prizes but prizes do actually drain the kitty fast!

So for the month of April, if you donate, you will be entered to win 1 of 3 books: Textured Stitches (reviewed in Episode 25), Knit so Fine (featured in this blog post) and Knitted Lace (reviewed in Episode 27). There is no minimum spend, no maximum spend and if you're feeling particularly generous, no limit to the number of times you can donate. It's as simple as, if you are in the position to help fund some fun over the coming year, please do click on the donate button. If you're not, please do not worry...... there's a huge giveaway due for announcement next episode...... ;)

1 comment:

  1. I have given you a blogging award! Come check out the details at my blog:
