
Friday 23 March 2012

Spinning Update

I thought I would update you on how things have been going with the spinning. There was a small attempt at using the spindle that resulted in a lot of swearing and frustration. Most people on Twitter advised me to try different methods to help me slow down but the problem was I couldn't get started! I just didn't seem to be able to get the fibre to spin. A little investigation with my friend who can use the spindle taught me that BFL it is a downside easier to spin and Falkland Merino. Lesson learned.

The same friend also brought round a beautiful spinning wheel, The Ladybug and I have been delighting in learning how to spin on a wheel. It is completely hypnotic and I might be addicted already. I can't wait to get to the point where I can ply my efforts so far.

What do you think?


  1. fab - I just can't get the hang of a spinning wheel - would be great to get someone to bring one around!
    I just love the colours of your spun yarn... lovely!

  2. It's looking lush! Can't wait until I've saved up for my Ladybug!!!

  3. gorgeous color...congrats on leaving behind the frustration, getting help and using the spinning wheel. have a wonderful week.

  4. Wow, your spinning looks fantastic. Spinning on a wheel is much easier than a spinkle in my experience. But it is useful to learn to draft on a spindle because it's slower.

    Your singles look amazingly even and love the colour. Can't wait to see the finished results. Keep going!
