
Tuesday 7 February 2012

And in other news....

A little while ago, my lovely friend Kristin from KnitNook interviewed me and the post just went up. I was really thrilled to be included as I love KnitNook (and Kristin). She said some really lovely things about me that made me blush and smile all day!

You can read the interview here.

Also I've got round to editting up a lot of photos and I found another 'best picture of food ever' without any clue what the dish was I was making at the time. I suspect a Nigel Slater seasonal special but I can't be sure. Clearly I wolfed it down without further thought but I was left with the dilemma of how to share the pictures in a meaningful way in a post. 

Just put them in randomly, clearly. Behold!


  1. I thought you were going to tell us you have been using those things as stamps!

  2. They are beets- golden and regular
