
Thursday 22 December 2011

Thank you

For being the best friend any girl could have

Sleep tight love.


  1. *big hugs*

    I'm so sorry, sweetie.

  2. So sorry dear. Love and hugs.

  3. I'm so sorry - someone sent this quote to my mom and I hope it brings you some comfort:

    “Whenever I have lost a dog, it has taken away a piece of my heart.

    And then every new dog who has come into my life has gifted me with a piece of its heart.

    If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog,

    and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”

  4. Oh noooo, I'm so sorry to hear that. Big hugs to you xx

  5. sniff sniff. Feel for you all ... our family dog and cat lived long and happy lives and we still think about them/talk about them. Such a gift to have had a wonderful pet!

  6. Oh no! Just saw this, hope you are doing ok. Big hugs x

  7. Oh! I am so, so, sorry about your loss! Pets are such special friends and members of our families and I know how much pain it must be causing you. We lost our precious Sheltie at Christmas 4 years ago, and I still miss her, I hope you are doing ok.

    I believe your sweet doggie will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge when you cross over one day! :) Big hugs to you.

  8. I'm so sorry and know exactly how you feel. We lost our sweet golden retriever on Dec 19th. Like yours, our hearts are broken. We have an animal communicator who told us that he was running and jumping and told her that we wouldn't know him because he was like a puppy. It made us feel a little better.
