
Sunday 10 July 2011

Episode 8: Need for Speed

Aplayfulday is kindly sponsored by Superknits, the home of super yarns for super knits. Please show your support for our playful friend by clicking on the link above- go on, spoil yourself!!!

Show notes:

Recommended: Yarn Reviews, Smitten Kitchen recipes.
Fyberspates WINNER:   Rhian DrinkWater
Show Sponsor Superknits is offering one lucky commenter the chance to win a lovely skein of Bessie in Kate Bush! Simply comment below before 24th July 2011 to win.

Knitting events
Donation giveaway: An entry to win 2 skeins of fine alpaca from Purl Alpaca Designs for every donation until the end of July 2011. I will announce the winner on the blog and 1st Podcast in August!
Knit Nation 15th-17th July 2011 with the podcaster meet up on the Saturday on the Green with podcasters Imake and Electric Sheep coming to play too. Look out for us on the green between 12-15 and 1.45 pm!!

On the Needles
Ulmus by Kirsten Kapur in Dream In Colour Starry colourway Midnight Derby and September Yarns in Merino Silky fingering colour way Amber.
Sugared Violets by Rose Beck in Uncommon Thread Lush Sock
The Dreaded Birthday knit, Earl Grey Socks by the Yarn Harlot in Sanguine Gryphon Bugga in the Tulip Tree Beauty colourway. 
Summer Field reports
Brought to you from Cally Fest and Nest Knit Games.

Fly, Fly, Fly by Adrina Thorpe, available on Music Alley
Use Somebody by Xavier and Ophelia, available on Music Alley
Contact me at: 
RSS Feed


  1. Love the Superknits website - another online LYS to tempt me :). Great episodee, thank you.

  2. Oooh, I'll look out for you at Knit Nation!

  3. ooo know first Fyberspates and now Superknits *hides credit card* oppss to late *blush* Great episode :)

  4. I swear I will catch up with your podcasts soon! I'm slowly getting there - up to no.5 now! Curse my obsession to listening to things in order :)

    ps. love Smitten Kitchen. She has sooo many recipes I want to try, and the photography makes everything look unbelievably delicious!

  5. Oh they SuperKnits has beautiful colors!! I like the Azure, Magenta and Fireflies. Gorgeous.

  6. Those SuperKnit yarns are fantastic & such great names too!

  7. I only listened to 2 episods so far but I really like your postcast!
    And we can get yarn too? How awesome is that!

  8. Fab episode. I love teal, you are a wicked, wicked woman showing me teal :) Liked the music as well, very bouncy!

  9. Superknits looks wonderful! Looking through the site now :)

  10. Superknits look awesome! I love the colorway Charlotte! Thanks for a new addiction :)

  11. Superknits looks awesome! Thank you for the tip!

  12. Love the smitten kitchen recipe for one bowl brownies- yum!

  13. What fun! Thanks for another awesome giveaway :)

  14. A yarn named Kate Bush takes me back to my wicked youth! Love your podcast and all your recommendations and giveaways. Can't wait to know you're here in the States :)

  15. How many times have I listened to your podcast and gone OMG I MUST FIND THAT CLOSING SONG? I don't know, but this is yet another one.

  16. Thanks for such a good podcast as always. My fiance has size 13 feet and I'm finally at a point where I feel obligated to make him some socks. Maybe sometime this year.

  17. I have just discovered your podcast...great stuff:-)

  18. So glad to have found your podcast and enjoying catching up on passed episodes. What a great giveaway, off to check out the website now.

  19. I'm a new listener and I so enjoyed this episode, I'm glad I discovered your podcast (it was recommended by iMake).

    Good luck with the job hunting!


  20. Another great episode and oh more yarn based temptation! Superknits is rather yummy...I spent a good hour perusing and wishing pay day to come :)

  21. was lovely to meet you today! I'm a complete convert to your podcast had somehow missed it before but i totally love it!! xx

  22. Thanks for bringing Super Knits to my attention. I just moved to Spain and it always good to know about yarn shops 'near by'.

  23. I have just discovered your wonderful podcast courtesy of iMakes recent podcast about Knit Nation! Can't wait to listen to all of your previous episodes.

  24. Ooh, the colours in that photo are amazing. Wish I could squish that skein in real life but my credit card in on Maternity Leave with me :(

  25. After hearing all about Nest, I really want to get down to London for a yarn shopping trip. That speed knitting contest sounded so fun!

  26. I've just discovered your podcast, and really enjoyed this episode. I'm looking forward to the next!
