
Friday 8 April 2011

This post will change your life

Friends I interrupt my resting from RSI to bring you the most important news I think I've ever shared. There is a frozen yoghurt shop of goodness and yesterday, in the late afternoon sun, I sampled some. And it was heavenly, 

The yoghurt of choice was Green tree flavoured with Granola and raspberries. Yes. You read that right. It looked something like this:

I will not tell you where I got it. It's mine. All mine.


  1. One of the (foodie) things I most miss about Cape Town is the Marcel's Frozen Yoghurt chain... complete deliciousness, although the flavours tended more to the usual berry/chocolate/ toffee whatever than the health freak organic stuff. More me, frankly. They did have a Kahlua flavour. Ah those were the days...

  2. Mmmmmm. Looks scrumptious!

  3. mhhh, i think i have to go to my yoghurt place in tel aviv again... thanks for reminding me of that =)

  4. <------ Jealous!!

  5. Ooooo... Looks so yummy...

  6. Green tea ice cream is my new favourite :D It's savoury ice cream! You can convince yourself it's healthy!
