
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Home vs New Settings

I've popped back to the flat, having been housesitting for 2 weeks. I still have a little time left and I'm itching to get back to the cats and the garden. However, because I'm home and my RSI isn't too bad today I thought I'd take the opportunity to download and share some pictures about why I have been lost. 

There is a great familiarity about home that you can wrap around you like a safety blanket. Home smells right, you know which cupboard you keep your favourite coffee in and you always have your favourite mug (we all know how I feel about mugs by now, rest assured, I found one I could tolerate at the house). This is all great and I revel in it often. 

However, there is joy is exploring the new. Chasing light around a new garden....

Finding new knitting spots.....

Rummaging on book shelves....

The joy in a new discovery of something quite enchanting....

Sharing meals with different tableware which are someone else's idea of comfort...

And making new friends.....

More to come. I just wanted to say hi for now. I miss you all. I got lost here these last few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!Just discovered you thanks to Louise on Caithness Craft Collective. You sound very confident and I like the sound of your voice and the natural way you have of saying things. Great work! I look forward to hearing more.
    I think you are a better photographer than me too!
    Best wishes from Somerset :)
