
Friday 1 April 2011

And now for something completely different (2KCBWDAY5)

I'm not entirely sure how to adjust the width etc so it looks prettier in the box but I'm pretty chuffed I got this far. Fingers crossed I can make it work again.... let me know if I should!

Show notes:
Storm Cloud Shawlette by Hanna Breetz
Thrown Together by Kim Hargreaves

I really enjoyed putting this together, please do let me know what you think, good or bad (be gentle) as I'm really considering releasing something in Itunes soon!

As always to find more creativity for blog week, click here


  1. I really enjoyed the podcast. However it was a teeny bit quiet. I agree there does seem to be a sparsity of Brit Podcasters. I have thought about doing one, but to be honest it seems like an awful lot of work when I can just take some photos and type some stuff - actually that sounds like more work - sod the blog I'll just talk instead! I wonder if you could do a bi-locational podcast like there are bi-locational blogs? That way your podding partner wouldn't have to be in the same room, it would be like a phone call.

  2. hmmmmm yes, I shouldn't listen back to it on my headphones, set at the same sound level. Duh

  3. Hi there! I really enjoyed the podcast. I agree about the quietness but then I found the volume slider at the end of the player and it was ok then. You do have a very nice voice if I may say so. That's the thing that puts me off any sort of voice recording, I'm from the West Midlands and have a very flat accent and when I'm trying to be well spoken I sound like I have a stick up my bum! That and the fact my own dear husband says I'm a bit of a fishwife at times :-o Also while I was listening I had to jump up numerous times to mop up spilled drinks, supply biscuits and find a book. Podcasts + toddler = fail!

    I hope you do another podcast in the future, I enjoyed yours very much. I have favourite'd a few patterns while you I was listening. I don't watch much tv (only 2 programmes a week!) and I like podcasts to keep me company in the evenings. So pleased you had a good 30th birthday. I have been pregnant on my 30th birthday and my next milestone will be 40 and that's ages away!

  4. You have a lovely voice, very pleasant to listen to, you should definitely make more!

  5. As an American, this reminds me why I like watching BBC so much :-) What a great idea!

  6. Yikes need help, waiting for OH to help with podcast. So will get to it latter.
    Thank you for your comment, will post pics of my socks as I go.

  7. I love your podcast. I do hope you will consider doing one all the time.

  8. I LOVE your voice :) you really should start podcasting (I would so listen and subscribe). I've thought about creating a podcast but I'm not so happy with how I sound and I don't think anyone would want to listen to what I have to say

  9. I really enjoyed your podcast! You should definitely do this again! :D You have a lovely voice, you chose very interesting topics, I've already bookmarked the yarn link - I want to hear more! And I loved your shawl story; very cute!

  10. I love this! Definitely make more! Way better than my first podcast episode (and its taken 19 episodes to work out how to get the episode to stream on the shownotes blog haha!). I would advise increasing the volume when you are editing, took me a while to figure that out ;) Loved what you had to say, more of us Brit podcasters are indeed needed!

  11. Oh. My. God. Your voice fits you perfectly! And I loved your podcast. I was genuinely interested, unlike most podcasts. I loathe talk radio. Make more plz!

  12. You have such a soothing voice! And you're very well-spoken. I stumble over words all the time (and they let me teach!). I'm not a podcast listener, so I have no valuable insight, but I liked yours!

  13. You have a really nice voice! I really enjoyed this podcast, but if you do make more, I think they could benefit from being divided and structured a bit more. Maybe you could have sections separated by a little jingle or even music. That way you wouldn't have to do the whole thing in one go, and knitters would have a chance to pause & make a cuppa without losing track. :)

    Great work! I look forward to hearing more.

  14. You have a great voice! I would certainly listen to more. And there's somethng about that lovely British accent that I love. I'd listen to more :)

  15. That was a great podcast! I love your accent. You should definitely make more.

  16. Well done, lovely! I hope you keep going with this because you have a lot of adoring fans! :D

  17. Listening to this podcast was kind of like sitting down with a fellow knitter for a cup of coffee and just talking away - I loved it! Your green triangle story is brilliant, I feel exactly the same about Kim Hargreaves AND Barrio North is my favourite bar in London. : )
