
Tuesday 1 March 2011

Uh HA!

Do you see that?

Look up

No, not at YOUR ceiling, at the top of the post here. See that? That wee banner? Yup. It's blog week prep thanks to the delightful Eskimimi. Blog week looks cute and fun and I'm going to give it a whirl. Largely because I've not been writing anything about my knitting. More about the places I have been knitting. Sorry about that. So I promise a week of knitting talk. Unashamedly geeky. I promise.

Today however? I need to address Moon Pies. I received this package from my friend, Amber,  full of sugary goodness. It all started after a conversation when I asked 'What's a moon pie?' and there was this stunned silence. Then later on I said 'What's peppermint bark?' Again, I was pitied. 

So Amber sent me a box load. They're um, interesting. One thing I would NOT recommend. Is turning them over to read the ingredients to work out what they are. Really. Don't.


  1. So what are Moon Pies? Sweet, savory, what?

  2. I'm excited for blog week- it should be really fun!

  3. did you really eat that Moon Pie with a fork?? hehe! Did you enjoy it? :)

  4. Moon pies... in the same category as cream horns and oatmeal cream pies. With Moxie. Things I was given on a regular basis as a child. Things I have no desire to have now...

  5. Moon pies are kind of like British Teacakes I've decided- there's some marshmallowy type stuff and some biscuit type stuff. It's all gooey and sticks in your mouth and yes, I was too scared not to use a fork! I'd popped it in the microwave as recommended- that's when the little fountain popped out the top. Eeeeep!
