
Friday 25 March 2011

And the winner is.....


You are the proud owner of a Lollipop stop original knit tote. The random number generator has spoken and chosen YOU. Please get in contact at to claim your prize within the next fortnight.

For all those of you who entered, fear not I have another giveaway lined up of knitterly goodness (sorry crocheters, you'll get a turn) in a few weeks. It's been great fun getting to know you all doing this so please keep coming back as your comments warmed my heart this week.

And another quick note to say a warm and heartfelt thank you for all those of you who took the time to respond to my birthday post. It made me feel so much stronger to cut myself some slack and say '30, yup.... it's a number'. xxx


  1. Congratulations Fridica! And thanks to everyone for your comments about my bags, and especially to A Playful Day for her awesome idea of a giveaway :) x

  2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaah! How. did. I. miss. this!!!!!!!! Yeepeeyaaaaaaay! :) :) :) :) Thank you so much - emailing right now! :)

  3. Hi! Enjoying the podcast! It was great to hear you on The Savvy Girls Podcast the other day. You also gave a shout out to Miss Elle..............I met hwith her once and we sat and knitted together a park! Needless to say she was working on a pair of socks.
