
Wednesday 16 February 2011

Warmth and fire


I'm going to winge. I know, I know, it's not playful but I have fallen off the internet. I've been kinda busy and kinda having bad luck. First there was the lace shawl that is no more. Nope. It won. I am now onto a new pattern which I won't jinx yet by talking about explicitly. Let's just say things got bad with the last one.....

..... real bad. 

Then there was a stupid computer vius. It rendered my internet usage to about 5 minutes before an 'antivirus' warning popped up and everything froze. These things make me so mad!

But I'm back in enough time for this week's You Capture challenge: warmth.

Sweet snuggles all!


  1. Is that a busted circular needle? Oh god, I hope not! I hate it when that happens!

  2. It is completely and utterly (mostly) my fault.... I may have thrown the lace in a temper and it got tangled around some furniture. I didn't mean it to be quite so epic in it's destruction.

  3. Oh man! I am so sorry about your computer woes! That is the worst! Love snuggling and sleeping pictures!

  4. I know- I wanted to climb back in, I have always had a deep love of my duvet, I was jealous he was getting all the fun!

  5. Mmmm snuggly warm. It is so hard to leave them all buried in the covers. Sorry to hear about your computer issues AND the lost battle with the shawl!
