
Friday 11 February 2011

Ugly duckling soups and polka dot wellies

All those great intentions and the rain just never stopped falling. I spent the morning peering hopefully out the window then gave up in favour of soup and blog reading. After the second batch of soup and the smell of fresh bread baking I knew I'd made the right decision. 
I did venture out. I mean, I couldn't resist a little puddle jumping. 

Soup menu for today? Potato and Kale soup adapted from Hurrayic's blog entry. I lacked any regular Kale or onions so I went for the purple Kale and Cavolo Nero and some red onion I had in (I was not brraving the weather when there was perfectly good ingredients inside). The colours were very satisfying during the prep but were a bit 'muddy' in the outcome. I knew it wouldn't look as appetising but the soup was delicious so I consider it an ugly duckling soup.

While I was in the mood and feeling a little more human than I have been all week, I decided to improvise a Butternut Squash and Carrot soup. I'll blog that one up soon. Oh and PJ? Gourmet Macaroni and Cheese recipe will go up too. Promise x

Have a happy Friday everyone!

ETA: oh and I'm having a go at You Capture this week. I am leaving the house with my camera and no rain is going to stop me! Stay tuned.....


  1. Beautiful photos, I recognize the gooies in the first one! :D

    Can't wait for epic mac n cheeeeeeez recipe!

  2. GOODIES, the GOODIES in the photo! Not gooies. Oy...

  3. They have been well loved and used in their new home xx
