
Wednesday 9 February 2011


Hi all

I am sat sleepily sipping tea (I'm too ill for rocket fuel coffee- horrors!) and cruising new blogs. I discovered this lady by shamelessly following a giveaway link. I like her style though, so I'm keeping her for future reference. Can you imagine blogging for a whole year?

And while we're on the subject of blogs I'm enjoying: HELLO!!! Knitted Bliss is always a pleasure to watch for yummy knitted goodies but 7 days of hot chocolate? That's my kinda thinking.

It has got me pondering about giveaways though and eyeballing my stash. I've done such a good job of stashing down lately (I'm fairly sure that's gloating, I'm gloating here right?) that I may have to get brutal or creative with a giveaway.

Yarn is the obvious choice, it's light, covetable and easily shipped. So I will pose a question and if I like some of the answers, I may host something too. Ofcourse I have no idea how many people read this thing so I could be setting myself up for a very lonely afternoon.

What giveaways work best for you? What would you love to receive? (No, I can't stretch to posting out Colin Firth, his wife would be terribly sad)


  1. If you want to know how many people read your blog, click on the STATS button on your blogger dashboard. You maybe surprised by what it tells you!

  2. Goodness, look at all those people!


  3. Colin Firth is the only real Mr. Darcy.
