
Sunday 9 January 2011

Auld Lang Syne

So I'm enjoying 2011. I am taking the traditional of resolutions with a rather large pinch of salt. Last year was full of so much heartache, change and unplayfulness that I had to make so many new starts, I'm loathe to pin anything to a resolution. I hate the gym adverts, dating adverts and diet guilt trips this time of year. It makes me sad.

I do like the idea of freshness though. So while I'm not making any traditional resolutions I have been trying to implement the following changes for a while and will do so with as much spirit as I can muster in 2011.

  1. I must stop biting my nails. I have been trying to stop this my whole life and I have managed to grow them long enough to paint THREE TIMES in the last month. Just gotta keep going!
  2. I will get back into running. I'm doing the couch to 5k challenge and my poorly hip is coping well thus far. If I keep this up I would like to try for 10k by summer and returning to dance next month!
  3. Make more bread. I love my bread machine. I forget to put it on. I feel sad about this. More bread!
  4. Read more. I have an annoying habit of meaning to read and getting distracted by knitting. I must read more. Maybe audio books will help this.
  5. Travel! I managed my first trip abroad in nearly 2 years in December. I have the US planned for this year and maybe something else. Hurrah!
  6. Knitting more than I stash. Stop laughing.
  7. Stashing less than I knit. No. I mean it.
  8. Continuing to say 'yes' to being social. I have discovered I'm actually more playful the more I'm out. I thought I was a loner. I'm not always. Who knew?
  9. NOT be chronically upset that I'm 30 this year. I don't want to be 20 again. I was not as confident, experienced or with the man I am with now. Why would I go back?
  10. Continue to learn how to use my camera. Yup.
What are you striving for this year?

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