
Friday 17 September 2010

A Nina Simone Morning

Good morning all. I'm sat in a sun spot of the new house, coffee and toasted bacon and egg sarnies with Nina telling me I know how she feels. Yes I do Nina: Gooooood, right?

So why is this morning so much better than many good mornings I've had recently? Well first of all Autumn has truly hit. This morning is cold, bed socks cold but crisp sunshine makes it ok. As does the excitement of a new knitting season and great photography weather. Then there is the delicious fact that I was woken this morning by the postman bringing a package from a great new friend, Karen. Karen is a stunning knitter, a very talented and playful lady. We got chatting on Ravelry, bonding over knits and yarns and then we knew we just had to start swapping. So this morning I played with my Haruni shawl, drank coffee out of the yummy mug she sent me while wearing the expertly knit hat from the package. What a great start.

See, I've had lots of generosity lately and this post is to celebrate the joy opf playful friends. First there was Jess, a real doll. Jess is the cutest little goth, she does dark in the sweetest way and loves life with beautiful cynicism. Jess sent me a necklace. The necklace is draped over a skein of September yarn, dyed by PJ, my long lost twin. I adored PJ from the minute we struck up a friendship. The feeling is wholeheartedly returned and the only sadness is her living in the US- why so far away? Even better, Amber sent me the skein as part of a swap package. Amber is another long lost relative I'm sure of it: how else can you explain our mutual love of all things quirky and rebellious? She is a truly hilarious lady and I feel that if ever PJ, Amber and I were in the same room, the world would combust. Really.

These girls are one of the many reasons I am beaming this morning. I am very lucky to know them. Each brings me so much happiness, not just because of yarn and pressies but I genuinely enjoy every time I hear from them. Each lady has a great story and I can't wait to hear from them again.
Finally, my sister found me this. Any ideas?

Yup. She found a wee rock, that looks like her Pacman owls I mentioned in this blog post. Isn't she clever? So not only am I blessed with friends but also a kickass sister who I have been lucky enough to watch grow into a beautiful, clever and kind woman who I know is destined for a great life. I feel pangs just thinking about how many more times I get to be proud of her. But don't tell her..... she'll tease me for it. As sisters do.

Wow, there's a lotta love for sisterhood in this here post today huh? Ah well. Play on ladies (and gents ofcourse)!


  1. "I feel that if ever PJ, Amber and I were in the same room, the world would combust. Really."

    No truer words were spoken.

    We should make this happen one day...maybe WE'RE the bringers of the Apocolypse? Four horsemen and all that? Hmm.

  2. There were 4 Witches of Eastwick weren't there? ;)
