
Friday 25 January 2013

A Note

The tax return is done and I celebrated with a big fat raspberry blown at HMRC. Ahem

I was all set to get blogging and podcasting. I even wrote show notes!

However, (and this is a big however), my daughter's needs must come first and right now she needs me. She needs me a great deal. We have some new medication to try to help her but we need time to work out if it is helping her and what I need to do is focus.

So I'll be playing again soon. Just not yet.

Think playful thoughts for us! x

Thursday 10 January 2013


I'm not really blogging. 


(c) Lisa Mutch

I just wanted to draw your attention to the fact that there is a rather fabulously chatty and yummy knitalong going on in the Playful Group. We're celebrating all things Lisa, our lovely NorthBound Knitting sponsor, by knitting her designs (or crafting with her yarns- they're rather yummy). 

(c) Lisa Mutch

There's even prizes and discount codes!

Come play....

Tuesday 8 January 2013


Well I fell off the blogging band wagon. I am a natural hermit and when real life demands lots of social occasions, I tend to withdraw where ever I can elsewhere. This year it was the case that everyone wanted to see us, or more specifically, Playful Baby. So while I'm very good a saying no, we still had to manage Christmas and New Year with various family members. 

It's hard to hermit with a 2 month old!

So I promised myself to make a storming return in the new year. Then I realised I have to do my tax return. So I've banned myself from blogging or podcasting until it's done. I get very few spare moments. This month's needs to be grown up. 


Be back soon x